
"Once… upon a time… there was a Dal’Rok!" – O’Brien

Once again, I am just floored by how well these episodes fit in with my real life! It’s so uncanny, it’s just spooky! I AM Kira Nerys!

Well, it’s like this – I’ve been talked into leading a children’s Story-time at a big Borders bookshop, along with a friend of mine who is leading an arts & crafts session. Every week we pick a theme and read stories, sing songs and cut, colour and stick, make puppets, whatever!

The problem is that it turns out that I am just not the right person for the job! Quite apart from the fact that my own Ferengis just won’t sit down and listen, I can’t seem to get the children’s attention, and they don’t seem to want to listen to the stories I pick, they’re not interested in the themes…

"All right now… let’s really focus!"

…and to top it off, it turns out that this friend of mine who is doing the arts & crafts really doesn’t like me; I thought she did, I had no idea she had a problem with me, but this whole thing has been so stressful that we’re seriously in danger of falling out big-time!

I think we’re going to have to do it for a few more weeks, make or break, but I think I will be trying to wangle out of it as soon as possible. Perhaps my friend will suggest an alternative storyteller. I’ve really had enough for now!

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November 23, 2008

It sounds like a good gig, why not just give it a go, you never know?