Holy shit I’m 30!

I had a pretty good birthday.  I mean, I can’t really complain about it.  It was just like any other day really, although of course I got that giddly, excited feeling that I seem to get every year.  Kind of like a "Omg, I’m a year older, I can’t believe it.  Today is MY special day" sorta feeling, I guess. 

The day wasn’t anything special, although I did have Vish and his boyfriend and a third friend Rick visit me at around 11pm the night before.  I had gone to bed early (around 10pm) so that I could wake up early enough to actually appreciate my birthday, because in my life these days, it’s rare that I’m awake before midday lol.  Well, THAT didn’t work out when I hear Vish walk up the stars, knock on the front door and rap on my window with his knuckles in quick succession lol.
I wasn’t entirely asleep, but I was about to nod off and I eventually got out of bed, answered the door in a sleepy haze in my underwear, gave them all hugs and then went right back into my room under the covers LOL.
Of course they came in and Vish turned my light on and tried to drag the covers off of me.
I thought that I actually needed to get up.  I couldn’t just let my friends in and then go back to sleep haha.  They had already gone into the lounge area and I got up to put some clothes on.  Vish called out to them, "He’s getting changed" and I went out to greet them properly once I was dressed.

They had brought me cupcake-type mini muffins, about 9 of them, so we shared them.  It wasn’t even my birthday for another hour.  So we just sat and chatted and I got up for him waking me lol, although I didn’t care.  I told him about the time my friend Gavin tried to wake me up and I apparently woke up, twisted his finger right back, and went back to sleep.  I didn’t even remember doing it until the next morning when he was complaining about the pain.  I must have been REALLY tired for me to do something like that!

New housemate came downstairs shirtless and in his underwear and everyone went quiet whilst he grabbed some snacks from the pantry.  It was quite hilarious, because EVERYBODY was clearly perving on him!  Thankyou new hot housemate!

Anyway they left after a while and it was around 11:40pm, and I got excited because it was so close to being my birthday.  Of course I then didn’t sleep until around 4am, as I just couldn’t, but I still woke up around 10am so I didn’t waste the whole day.

The facebook wall-posts trickled through throughout the day and I got a couple of awesome text messages.  I much prefer the personal touch from my actual friends, although Facebook has made it so much easier these days and I am still appreciative.  I made a status the day before asking my friends to send me Snapchats, and provided my username, and I actually got a couple, including an awesome rendition of "Happy Birthday To You" from Carly.  It TOTALLY made my day and had me grinning from ear to ear.  Man I love her.

That night, I went out to The Beat.  Ironically, The Beat megaclub is the oldest nightclub in Australia, and celebrated it’s 30th year last month.  And as Wednesday (my birthday) was members night also, it was a perfect opportunity to go and drink the free alcohol, food and maybe win cash. 

It wasn’t amazing however.  It wasn’t bad either.  It was just…the Beat, although a couple of my usual friends were there, so I hung out with them.  Ayden said he wasn’t coming as he had a big day at work the next day, and the new housemate said he WAS coming, but then he never came either.  And to top it off, the ex-housemate Reece and his friend Bonnie told me they were coming, but they never showed up either.
Luckily Vish and his boyfriend did turn up, which was nice of them 🙂  So I had a pretty decent night and got a free feed and got a little bit tipsy.  I’d drank a bit before I left as well, but I was nowhere near as drunk as I was last weekend from all those cocktails haha.  Maybe I’m finally getting a higher tolerance to blood/alcohol in my body.  I haven’t felt myself wildly drunk in a while now!

We left after the second draw.  Vish’s boyfriend felt bad because we’d sat at a wonky table and when he got up to go to the bar, my full glass of Vodka lemon-lime and bitters slid right off the table and smashed onto the floor in a hundred pieces.  I didn’t care though, as it was my final drink token anyway so it was free, but he offered to replace it.  I told him not to worry about it.  I felt like I’d have enough anyway, and we didn’t win anything, but that’s okay.  The drag queen was in a weird mood I thought.  I don’t hate her but I don’t really like her either.  I just feel she’s a bit too bitchy to be the resident drag-queen at the Beat, and I’m starting to feel maybe she’s heard through the grapevine my views on her – not that I care right?  I’ve always been told that once gays are in their 30’s, they don’t give a shit what anyone thinks of them.  Maybe I’m taking on that motto?  Maybe it’s time to?

Anyway, after I hugged everyone goodbye outside, Vish and his bf wanted to show me the cars they were thinking about buying.  It’s crazy hanging out with people who are looking at $100,000+ plus cars when I’ve only owned two cars in my life (One at $1000 and the other at $5000) haha!  It was pretty cool though and they dropped me home.
There was still a little while left of my birthday, so I spent it replying to Facebook wall posts.  Just like the last few years, I like to try and reply to every one of people I actually know.
I only got one card, with a $50 note in it from my mum, which she does every year 🙂

It’s now Friday as I write this, and last night was pretty wild, but that’s for another Fav’s Only entry 😛

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December 5, 2013

Happy Birthday! Your friends sound amazing! Glad you had a great birthday!!

December 6, 2013

🙂 – – – –

December 6, 2013

Happy birthday, old man!!.

December 6, 2013

happy b day 🙂