I learn something new about myself and life everyday. I am the no-nonsense type. What I like, I like. I would never go out of my way to ruin someone else’s day simply for the color of their skin or their sexual orientation. Your lifestyle does not affect my ability to function, so why would I care?

I enjoy challenging my potential. Ive taught myself a second language and I apply it frequently. One day I was practicing (Id only lived here two months at that point) and I guess maybe I was a little loud? From the entrance to the building I heard “you cunt, if you don’t like America get the fuck out!” and a hard slamming on the entryway door for emphasis.

No one within earshot would ever confess to such a hate filled exclamation, but I already know who it was.  I happened to be recording my lesson that day so I actually have it on tape.

I was born in this country, so what else could he be referencing? He’s not a fan of multi cultural studies? He’s intimidated by above average looks AND above average IQ? He’s not paying my rent, so why does he care where I live?

I’ve only spoken to this person once, and unless he’s seen the label on my mailbox, he doesn’t know my last name, much less my reason for expanding my education in language arts. To his remedial capacity, being bilingual makes me a “cunt”? He knows absolutely nothing more about me to hurl such filth loud enough to make sure I heard.  He obviously knows where I live but chose to express his disapproval through the corridor, anonymously. How patriotic of him.

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