
 So yeah.

Allergies stink.

I just googled how to eat a star fruit because .. well I needed to know how you eat one.

They are really good, by the way. 

I’ve been sneezing non-stop for the last 30 minutes and my eyes are icky and swollen. WTH is going on?? 

The new house is nice and new and will feel like the perfect place to spend the rest of our life in once we settle in and get the boxes unpacked. 

Kim’s a lot less stressed out now. And I am too.

I have two exams next week. Two semesters down – 6 more to go.  I wish I had the time to take more classes but I just can’t handle anymore then what I’m doing right now without getting over loaded. 

I need to find my journal – I have no idea where it got packed. 

This entry is very random!

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April 27, 2013

Are you allergic to the starfruit, or were those two separate thoughts? I’m allergic to orange citruses, so have to be careful when trying new fruits.

April 27, 2013

Are you allergic to the starfruit, or were those two separate thoughts? I’m allergic to orange citruses, so have to be careful when trying new fruits.

April 27, 2013

Boo allergies! Yay random! Sonja’s allergies have been bothering her worse the last couple days…I think it’s the shifting in weather patterns. Yay for new house! Yay for 2 semesters being down! Boo for exams…Much lucks tho!

April 27, 2013

Boo allergies! Yay random! Sonja’s allergies have been bothering her worse the last couple days…I think it’s the shifting in weather patterns. Yay for new house! Yay for 2 semesters being down! Boo for exams…Much lucks tho!