::Beaming:: Drew’s Amazing . . .

*~*~*~*~*~*~* Why I Love Him *~*~*~*~*~*~*

He’s not afraid to be ridiculous and act like a kid.

On so many subjects, we not only agree, but we seem to be coming from the same place with our thoughts on it.

He’s never pretended to be something he’s not.

He’s an excellent conversationalist.

He brought me to my knees (in a good way) the first time he kissed me.

He doesn’t take me for granted.

Without saying a word, he makes me feel like the most beautiful woman in the world.

When he looks at me, there’s respect in his eyes.

When I’m in his arms, I barely think.  I’m just happy.

He’s the first guy since Mike I’ve been willing to open my heart to.

He makes me laugh.

He has magic fingers.

He’ll sometimes just pull me to him so my back is against his front and wrap his arms around me.

How he kisses my neck and my ear.

How he’s run his fingers through my hair.

There’s more, so many more, but I’ll add as I think of them.

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Girl, you have to be careful throwing the “L” word around!! This guy only recently became your boyfriend, and what you’re experiencing is “euphoria,” that “high” feeling at a relationship’s beginning – NOT love. LOVE takes much more time to happen, and then withstands the test of time! Please take my advice and be careful, rather than blind to reality. If you are meant to find real love with this

guy, let it happen slowly, naturally, and gradually as you get to know him on a deeper level. I don’t mean to rain on your parade, but if I were going this gaga over someone with whom I just entered a relationship, I’d appreciate a little reality check from my friends myself…

September 11, 2008

That’s awesome I’m happy for you.

ryn It’s not so ideal when you have to budget over $250 every month for gas. ~

September 30, 2008

Hello there I am just stopping by to say hello and to let you know that I have updated again. I hope that everything is going well and thank you for reading and for your notes.