Been a bit (pic)

I either haven’t had time,  or been in the right mood to write lately. Visited the kids in Maryland, and although it’s slways wonderful, it is also usually followed by a depressive funk. Made it to refuge this morning, and during meditation I was reminded of not fighting, but not holding onto, feelings. Then I came home and started a roast, talked to Danny and napped.

Started the Chantix, and it’s going well, but oh!  The dreams!!  Not bad so far, but extremely vivid and about things that could logically happen.

My babies


My babies, breath, heartbeat, proudest accomplishments. Jessie is almost 12, chloe is 16, and kaleigh turns 20 in May. I’m so lucky to call these people mine.

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April 8, 2018

Lovely children!  😊

April 8, 2018

I admire your work. You’ve made some fine looking humans.

Good luck with the Chantix!

April 8, 2018

Beautiful kids

April 25, 2018

Absolutely beautiful children! Great job with quitting smoking!