So long

Gah, so much has happened. Eric came and went and came again, then voila gone again. Ain’t nobody got time for that.

I FINALLY got to hook up with Danny, literally 4 years later.  ‘‘Twas good.  Now to wait another 4 years… lol  hopefully by then I won’t be hitting him up anymore  although it’s fun….

byron is new to the mix  met him thru refuge  we’ve been talking, a lot, and it’s been cool.  he’s 4 hours away tho, so it’s relatively harmless.  So far, anyway.  He’s got my interest, and I’m pretty tired of dealing with boys, Danny reminded me what a man is  (damn did he ever!) .  I think my cougar shingle is going back in the closet.

Im just so BUSY lately.  It’s great for me, but writing suffers.  C’est la vie, no?

Refuge in the am.  I’m so ready – I need it in my life.  It grounds me.  I need to be grounded when my head is up in the clouds so much….

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June 24, 2018

lol, your entries crack me up… you remind me of what I would write as a 20 year old, but I know you aren’t.  Keep living your life for you. 🙂