The One with Drama Rama

 I tend to start entries before lunch and then when I come back to them, I no longer have the motivation, so no post. Let’s see what happens today, shall we?


I am so counterproductive. Lately I have been spending my evenings watching book review/haul videos on youtube…booktubers as they are known. I find so many books I want to read while watching these. The counterproductive part? The time I spend watching the videos is the only time I really have to read. See how that works out? Not good. Not good at all. I am going to try to watch the videos in the afternoons so as to free up my evenings for reading. We’ll see if I have the willpower.


And yes I am watching videos while working, but let me tell you a little secret. I am way more productive with a video playing than without. I always get more done with a background noise and since I have two screens, it’s a win win situation.


I must say really quickly that I super appreciate people who are here when they say they will be here. There is nothing I hate more than when someone comes for something during the lunch hour, especially when they know it is my lunch hour. So, I appreciate them coming before when they say they will.


Things have been good. Well on most of my life things. The hockey thing really sucks. I started the acceptance process after game three, and by the time game four ended, I was okay. Disappointed, but I have accepted it and moved on. One thing about the season ending is that my twitter time is greatly reduced. Most of the tweeps I follow are moving on to baseball now and I have zero interest in that. I don’t know the players they are talking about and I don’t care to. A handful are playing twitter GM and trading and resigning players. A few have fired the HCDB (Head Coach Dan Bylsma) but have not replaced him. I am over it, they have been doing it since last year and I just can’t handle it anymore. It is probably time to cull the follow list a bit for the off season. There are still some favorites I love and always make me laugh, but there are some that are only a good follow during the season and I find that if they are a good follow, they are retweeted so I can easily find them again. Twitter needs a seasonal follow option.


Work is good. I am in a bit of a lull. I have an out of town meeting tomorrow, so I am reluctant to start a big project. I think this afternoon I will work on a few little projects I need to finish up and then just prep for tomorrow’s meeting as best I can. Thursday I will be on track to work on bank reconciliations and some more ap probably on Friday. Next week will be a little bit of a lot of things and the week after is mostly going to be closing out some grant stuff. I will be so happy come July 1st when grants are officially over!


I am so happy to be a person who does not thrive on drama. I find so many people around me who thrives on drama as it makes them the center of attention. Over the weekend my uncle was rushed to the hospital after passing out outside of the bar in the afternoon. He is out and well not fine, but okay. My cousin had talked to my mom before it happened and then called her when it happened. My mom then called my aunt who flipped her shit because she wasn’t notified by my cousin directly or before my mom. Then she went to the hospital to visit after she swore she was not going to and ended up in a fight with my cousin because she was told by my cousin that my cousin & my mom were in charge of making life decisions for my uncle. Holy shit storm. My aunt proceeded to tell my cousin that she is not a blood relative and well I am sure you can imagine how that all went. Yeah. Then my aunt called my mom all pissed off because she is not a contact person and she is tired of taking care of everyone (which she takes care of absolutely nobody) and on and on. And that is just one side of the family. The other side has its drama, but it is nothing like my mom’s side and nobody ever calls and bitches us out.


The same thing happens with my “friends” on facebook. Dude breaks his leg on a trampoline, then whines and bitches about it for six weeks, then can’t go back to work and whines and bitches some more. Sees a therapist who may or may not have diagnosed him with PTSD, from a trampoline fall. Yes, a trampoline fall, not some sort of tragic accident, a simple 35+ year old fat ass who has no business being on a trampoline in the first place claims to have PTSD. Then he can’t go back to work for another few weeks because the leg is not healing. Gee, I wonder why since you have done nothing to aid in the healing process. Oh and now he posts that he is going to temp at his “wife’s” place of business. One, they are not married. They have a kid together, but they have never actually gone and gotten married. Plus, I wonder how his place of work is going to react when they see that. And yes, they are on his friends list. He is the biggest pussy I have ever known. Always trying to work the system. I am sure he has already started thinking about trying to get SS disability. So many people I know who do that kind of shit. Grrrr.


So, as I said I am very happy to be a drama free person. I like my drama in film or book form thank you very much. I must say though, I do enjoy watching the train wrecks live online.


The weather is getting warm around here. Or it was. It has cooled off a bit today and rain is intermittent. It is beautiful though. Everything is green and blooming. Very lovely. The one thing I hate is that the kids are out of school and I hate that. They are always outside screaming and it is so annoying. Little girls are the worst!


Well look at that, I finished  a post right before lunch! Go me!

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RYN maybe, But there is beauty everywhere. You just have to look for it. I thought it was flat and ugly at first, But then i looked more 🙂