D-O-N-E-! *E*

Yep – all done 🙂 Everything turned in and I’m a college graduate.  Kinda strange, to tell you the truth.  It’s been really bizarre the last two days to realize that they were my last on campus as a student….I mean – it was bizarre last Friday for my last day of work and I wasn’t expecting it.  As I’ve had much the same relationship with classes as I’ve had with work (very much love/hate!) it shouldn’t have surprised me to realize I’ll miss campus and college.  I’ve pretty much despised college all the way through, but I’m truly going to miss it.  I’m really going to miss walking around campus.*grins* And why is it that I discover the best places to study in the library during finals week of my last semester?  Not to mention just discovering the wonderful computer lab on the second floor of the library I’ve haunted throughout my college career?  I suppose that just figures!

I’m going to do some playing around with pictures tonight and this weekend through early next week 🙂 I’m not sure how long it will take me to deal with all of them, but I’m going to start going through them.  I have a few other things that need to be done tonight and tomorrow so I can get them in the mail tomorrow.  Anyway, I’m a college graduate now…kinda weird, eh?

I realized I forgot to mention something cool 😛  So my brother’s been dating his girlfriend for 18 months come Monday. We’re all a little surprised they’re still together, as he’s been away at college and she’s been working on finishing her senior year of high school.  Anyway, she and her parents gave me a $20 gift card to Barnes & Noble as a grad present 🙂 Aren’t they sweet?

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