NoJoMo # 22 The Day after

So I spent Yesterday and most of today with Krystal. It was good to see her.  I have not seen her in some time.  He baby is So cute!

Saturday I arrive at Krystals and got to hangout with her mom, Beth and Mike. It was a good time. We played some Wii Disney’s Think Fast Trivia.. which is a lot of fun actually. Its like scene it for disney only 😛 The first game I was so close to 2nd but the Beth won. The 2nd game Krystals mom won! lol. 🙂

I got to meet one of Krystals friends, Mitch, who is a total cutie and a lot of fun to be around.

Krystal, Beth, Mike, and I headed out to go bowling at Blue Fusion. we got through 1 1/2 games before out hour was up. So we headed over to BW3s to watch the UFC fight and hangout wirh her friend.

Later that night I stayed at Krystals and we talked for a couple hours. 🙂 Slept and then today we went to Church in the morning. Had lunch at her grandparents. It was a good visit.

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What? You didn’t win at a movie trivia game?! OMG Kris… You’re losing your edge!!

November 23, 2009
