I have a HUGE rant! Stick a Fork in Me

Ok, so it is the 10th of February and I have not written since January 2. I guess I really was uninspired.

Now I have a HUGE rant! Get ready, or not!

In July my cousin’s son moved in with us. Pretty much since then I have been pissed off. I allowed him to move in because he could not find a job in MN. My cousin, his aunt, told me that he is a good worker, yadda yadda…blah blah blah. Talked him up so I agreed. Well, he really did not look for a job so Dick decided to give him a try. He has been working for the most part. Right away he was calling in sick every other Thursday. Missed three days of work within the first two months. The 4th time that he though that he was going to call in sick I told him to suck it up and get his ass to work. We don’t call in sick around here unless you are puking your guts out, (which he wasn’t) or you’re dead…which he also wasn’t. Get the eff to work.

We did not charge him any rent. I wanted him to save his money and buy a car so he would have transportation. With transportation you can move out and still get to work. Well, first came an Ipod touch. I don’t have an Ipod touch because I can’t afford one. No car yet!

He finally bought a car at the end of October. It took a while to get the title and even longer to get it insured. Then he had to buy fancy rims for it.

At the end of November I told him that he had to start paying some rent, $125 out of each paycheck. I thought that was more than fair since that covers almost EVERYTHING!! On 11-22-10 he gave me $150. If he wants to pay me $150, that is okay too. Same thing for 12-6-10.

Then right before Christmas he buys a PS3, (another $300 toy) but pays NO RENT!! Next paycheck…pays no rent but comes home with a new tattoo. Next paycheck…pays no rent but comes home with more added to the tattoo. He claims he is not paying for the tattoos because is it Dick’s cousin’s son that is doing them for him…to get his name out there. Ah, BS! I am sure that Chris is charging him something for them! He charged my girls for their tattoos & they are related by blood.

Three paychecks & pays no rent! He finally paid rent…he had $200 and wanted me to give him change. I told him I don’t have change and that he owes $600 in rent. He kept his $200 until the next day then dropped by my office and gave me $150.

I will get what he owes! He filed his federal tax return and had it direct deposited into our checking account!! Ha! I will tell him that I am keeping what he owes us before I just not give him all of his money.

He eats a lot!!! I cook double to feed him. I am not kidding or being dramatic, that is the truth. He can eat more than Tyler, Dick and I put together. My grocery bill is normally sky high now add feeding him to it. Holy man!! He does not pay for laundry soap, bath soap, shampoo, conditioner, toothpaste, none of the stuff a normal person has to pay for, for hygiene.

I was paying for all of the soda! I put a 6-pack in the fridge and he drank 3 of them within hours. Eff that! Buy your own! I would never allow Tyler to drink that much soda but I know it wasn’t him because I put it in the fridge after Tyler went to work and it was gone before he got home from work.

Come Spring, Mike will be looking for a place to live! I am done! There is more to it than what I have written. If my girls can make it on their own, so can he. I am not obligated and if anyone wants to be pissed off at me for making him move out…so be it!!

Stick a fork in me!!

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February 10, 2011

Seems fair, sounds like he’s been taking the piss to a large extent, maybe because you’re family and feel obliged to keep him.

I can understand why you are so ticked off at him. You didn’t mention his age? 17? 40? . I think that makes a difference even though he drives and has a job. If the guy is young, (and your family, you love them), I would give him a ‘warning’ right away instead of just kicking him out. If the guy is 40 lol, aww heck, I’d give him a warning also. Even if you just let him know specifically what you are ticked at. Some people seriously have no clue, with family too. I would seriously spell it out even if you have to print your entry out ..and let him see what you are thinking. If he’s a good kid he’ll change his ways right now, if he could care less he will keep doing the same. I would just give him the chance to change his ways rather than put him out on the street without warning (or to some other home without warning). But that is just me. Here’s what I figure, if the guy was coming in drunk and or drugged and totally disrupting everyone I’d be showing him the door QUICKLY insisting he go to a rehab or out . But if the guy is just being a ‘kid’ clueless, even though he isn’t a kid, I would give family the benefit of the doubt, at least by warning him.Justmy opinion.

hey, no offense meant by my opinion, those were just my thoughts. It’ s your house and you have to live with it. And yes, you have justified reason to be ticked off. I was just giving another opinion, a different perspective that’s all. lol…. must be cause I’m a grandmother ……we are known to be ‘softies’ ..lol, I’d probably pull the plug (electricity on his room i.e computer etc.) until he paid up (rather than just kick him out). He would pay up quick lol with no computer to use. but hey… do what you have to do..you are living there not me, so, whatever you do is the right thing for your life and your household. [yesitiswell] [p]

Very justified rant! I think that you are well within your rights to tell him what the rules are. If he doesn’t want to follow them, he can move out and see if he can find a better deal. I think not.

February 10, 2011
February 18, 2011

I agree with Edith Ann. Totally acceptable rant