Tracking Inventory

If you’d like to read about he Dru Sjodin case this is the link to the articles in the local newspaper

I just have to write this out to get it off my chest.

I keep my pull-tab inventory at another site because they have more storage area. I had not yet taken the time to track them in. H called and asked me if I wanted her to do it for me. I told her no because she did it for me last quarter and that I would do it in the morning. She said “I am going to be here all night and I really don’t have anything to do.” I told her “it doesn’t matter I can do it.”

She tracked my inventory.

Friday I got a call from my supervisor. He said “J called me and asked me to mention to you that it is your responsibility to track your inventory and not expect H to do it for you.”


So I told him that she offered to do it and that I told her that I could do but it doesn’t matter to me if she did or did not do it. I told him the whole conversation about it that I had with H.

I was pissed! I am still pissed about it. Why offer to do something then act like she had to do it? I don’t understand how people can be like that. But that is the last time she does anything for me ~ even if she offers. I will flat out tell her No, don’t do it! Then it will be her ass not mine!

Saturday after work the barmaid and I went for breakfast. The former co-managers were there having breakfast when we came in. D came over and talked to me so I got their side of the story ~ why they are no longer employed. They thought that I would say something about them bashing gaming. I told her that what they do is none of my business and I would never say anything to anyone. She and I have always got along just fine. Well, I get along with both of them! Hell, I can get along with anyone that I want to get along with.

I told D not to worry because soon enough I will be in the same position that she is in ~ no longer employed by this company. She asked about the length of time that I have been there. When I told her that it is almost five years she shook her head and said you are probably right.

At least I have one thing going for me. Big’s Son likes me again ~ because I think that he is sweet and innocent. Long story short ~ if you don’t think that he is sweet and innocent he does not like you. It is best to be on his good side.

Okay I got that out! I should be fine and I should be able to stop being so angry!

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Yikes! No wonder you are angry! 🙂

April 6, 2004

i will have to head over to the highlander sometime. alot of people i know go there pretty often. thanks for the bday wish!