
 Yesterday I had a surprisingly nice evening I underlined evening because the whole day was pretty bad. I was tried and felt under the weather. 

However,  I was invited by mu cousin for a dinner, she was organizing some party, she told me that a bit too late and I have already agreed to work on Valentines evening. My cousin told me to come anyway but I was tired and to be honest I didn’t feel like partying anyway, so I went home instead.

At the beginning I was quite upset that I had to work in the evening as I felt very tired, but working actually helped me! At the end of day I felt quite refreshed! And then I got some great pasta salad and fruit salad on sale (not those ready meals but the fresh ones that they make for lunches and put on sale at the end of day)

I was quite relaxed, had some wine at home and I watched ‘The Lake House’ ….maybe it sounds weird to be happy spending Valentine’s Day solo but I was happy with what I have even if it looks like I don’t have enough to be happy (no money, no boyfriend, etc)….I guess the happiness has nothing to do with money, boyfriends and career, maybe it’s about the way we look at the world and life…. I thank God for what I have and what is given to me!


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February 15, 2013

Sorry about your tiring day. But the least you got the wine towards the evening tho`! *smile*

February 15, 2013

I totally understand this! and this is part of the reason I am trying to get rid of all the “things” ive accumulated over the years! 🙂

February 15, 2013

ryn: we actually haven’t gone out in over a month because I refuse to pay for dinner anymore. I figured Vday would be dif, guess not. I dont think he means to be manipulative, I think he is just literally a clueless idiot!