
i can’t remember what the last entry i wrote was, can’t remember how long ago it was and it seems like i always do updates so im not gonna bother, even though theres some stuff i knwo i havent recorded but i cant be bothered.  Ill do an entry about Ol some day soon but i dont feel like talking about him tonight, lol.

So, today. Well last night i decided to get some sleep coz i havent had as much homework because we have our mocks after christmas so it’s mostly just revision (although my english coursework draft does have to be in next friday)  I went to bed about 11.30. then i couldnt get to sleep and the last time i looked at the clock it was 1.30…so my plan didnt work, lol.  Woke up at 7. Left for school at 7.50.  Got to school about 8.30. we must have walked quite slowly today…normally get there about 8.25 and stop in at Tescos on the way and call for 1 person.  Today we went straight there and were later…hmmm…lol.

First lesson…psychology. was pretty boring. doing reconstructive memory in eyewitness testimony. snore.

Second lesson…maths. Mr K. dickhead. can’t understand him, don’t care about anything he says, not a clue what we’re doing in that subject

Third lesson…biology. Very interesting. Genetic engineering, the production on insulin. fascinating stuff

Lunch…had prefect duty. D-Block. upstairs closed off coz speaking exams…year 11 mocks. downstairs, one of the girls from the year 7 form i looked after last year was crying. she’s a bit of an attention seeker but i coudlnt just leave her, thats mean. i thought she would be crying about being bullied because a couple of weeks ago she was and i had to try and sort it out (even though their new form mentor should be helping her) turns out it was about her nan dying last year…i know she would be upset about that…but the story about why she was crying at that particular time seemed…erm…unlikely…*shrug* i dunno. at least she got a hug and im sure thats what she wanted, she was half smiling by the time i left her anyway, lol

Last lesson…english…cancelled.

Registration…meeting for prefect…sat whispering to friends. not too interesting, just bitching about different people in the room we dont like, lol.

Last lesson…english…cancelled.

walked home with Josh. locked out, no keys. Josh is a best friend but a bit…erm…not a loner…just doesnt have 2 much confidence but doesnt act shy, acts grumpy. he’s a great friend, he really is and a great laugh. really camp and really kind. lol. went back to his. they sell christmas trees at his house. I’ve never seen his back garden…MY GOD! he has SOOO many christmas trees in his back garden, it’s amazing! we stayed out there for about 2 hours, lol. looking through all the christmas trees, picking ones for his house, findign the one my dad went to pick last weekend. i had 3 pairs of socks on because my pink plimsols are too big for me. good job coz he made me walk accross field on way home and stay out there with him. my feet wne tnumb…only had plimsols on! went to pick his little sister up with him from her junior school she’s adorable.then we went in his room. ive never really spent that much time round there. he showed me everything in his room, you knwo how you hunt through drawers and find stuff from years ago you forget are there? well we went thru his entire room, lol. you might guess Josh aint a very private person. he got out a shoebox and said i better not tell anyone about this…lol…ooops…its a box of letters he kept, wrote to them like a diary. this was about 4 years ago when we were just starting to be friends…me becky kim spooner etc…him jason and apple. hehe it was hilarious looking thru them. lolol, finding out who he fancied when were were about 12/13. and he did little things liek ranking friends in order…and little things testing the love of two people using their phone numbers and stuff like that! i was always best lol!! he always had “Lollen is best!” *giggles uncontrollably* *feels loved* god i love him, i dont think i realised until this year how great a friend he is. i have taken him for granted but…id hate to lose him as a friend. i always used to try and involve him in stuff and never really understand why he didnt come.i guess as i grew older i thought more about his confidence, his home life (which isnt bad but they dont have a lot of money so it’s a bit of a struggle…though they have a LOVELY house) god…im rambling

Purple Eyeshadow xx

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December 17, 2004

You do so much stuff at your school… do you ever stop working? You are gonna get into any university you want. Incidentally, do you have maths exams after christmas? Because they changed all the rules for ours and we have to do P1 (or C1 as it’s now called) again.