What a wonderful world…

So… I had a fantastic weekend! I saw Philip Saturday afternoon. He was working on his aunt’s garage and I went up to help. After we finished up there we went up to Ocala. We went to the mall & I upgraded my phone. (It is so nice to have a phone with a battery that lasts longer than a 15 minute phone call!) Then we went out to supper. Then we went back to his place. We watched a movie on Showtime. Around midnight we headed to bed.

I completely was not anticipating on spending the whole night there. It just worked out that way! It was so nice to spend time together. We had such a good time! I laughed so much this weeked, it was just awesome. It just felt right again!

Sunday we went out shopping with Pat & Peggy. She had called out of work all weekend. And she said something Sunday that really pissed me off. She & I are supposed to be getting an apartment together in April. Well, her sister is coming down from VA in the beginning of April and wants to stay with Peggy. I told Peggy it would be fine if they stayed with us, but I dind’t want her brother-in-law bringing pot into our place. She looked at me and said, "You’ve got a lot of fucking stipulations." Um no, that is just common sense. I’m sorry but no one is bringing drugs into my home. There should be no discussion! That is one thing I stand firm on. And if you don’t like it, then too fucking bad. So yeah, that is really making me reconsider the whole apartment situation.

But all in all my weekend was great. It was great spending time with Philip. I hope it lasts! I need to carry my happy ass to bed!

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RYN, im sorry, that would be aweful.. i know what its like though.. i had one of my dearest friends do that to me. and when he contacted me later on to say he wanted to be friends again, as long as his GF didnt find out, i flipped out.