Where to begin

So much I want to say, but where to even begin. My mind runs through thoughts and sentences faster than I can type. My entire thought with this is that maybe, just maybe, I can help someone else struggling feel less alone. Hopefully to reach someone who can read & understand my words, regardless of how un eloquently written, without thinking of sympathy & pity. The only true way I know of to accomplish this is by being raw & real with the details of my story. Knowing that my story isn’t the only one out there of its kind. There are thousands that are similar.

But as I have learned throughout life most suffer in silence for fear of judgement. Which is no way to live! I know because for most of my life I did just that. Or if I did speak up & share what was happening I was making it all up for sympathy because I wasn’t ready to fix my situation. But you never truly understand, unfortunately, unless you go through it yourself.

Some of the things I plan to share are from childhood others are from adulthood. There are situations where I made wrong choices & dealt with hard consequences. Just as there are some that I had no control over  & even then some of my reactions only made matters worse. But that’s how life works, right? We live & we learn. I was once told if we aren’t learning, growing & making mistakes we aren’t living.

If you made it this far, thank you for your patience. My next post will be more of an introduction or get to know me post. Before I start truly opening into the raw portions that I hope to use to help others feel less alone & maybe get less afraid of my new found voice & be more comfortable letting my own experiences be exactly that.

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