Part Forty


1953. Have you ever built something? sets, rabbit hutches, tree forts, timbertown…lots


1954. What is the hardest thing to face each day? failure


1955. Who’s voice irritates you like fingernails on a blackboard? oh god, bridget scanlan


1956. What is your favorite plant? my mosquito plant


1957. What simple things in life do you appreciate? pedicures


1958. Have you ever read a book by Tom Robbins? no


1959. Are you more of a maker and giver, or a taker and user? maker and taker


1960. What do you contribute to society? theater


1961. Do you take naps? sometimes


1962. Do you have any cavaties?yes


1963. What is the differance between art and fine art? fine are requires skill in many areas and detail. splattering paint onto a canvas is not fine art


1964. Do you believe that there has been a man on the moon?if not neil armstrong, certainly someone else


1965. What music makes you so happy you could burst? no doubt


1966. What do you think of the band They Might be Giants? pretty damn good


1967. Would you ever go into a sex shop?yes


1968. If you had to choose would you rather go into a sex shop with your mom or your dad? my mom


1969. Do you buy holiday gifts early or at the last minute? last minute for sure


1970. What do you want to do today? finish cleaning my room


1971. You see a girl in a long ruffled off white dress carrying a bag painted with a sunflower and playing a ukelele while twirling around the cafeteria.

What is your first reaction? what the fuck is wrong with her?

Could you become friends with this girl? no


1972. Let’s just say your school team is on a winning streak. One of the cheerleaders cheers both for your team and the other team during games. Does it make you angry? no

One day you ask her why she does it and she says that, "It’s just so much fun, no matter who wins." What do you think of that? she probably just likes to flash her crotch and yell annoying phrases


1973. Do you laugh when there is no joke and dance when there is no music? yes and yes


1974. What would the perfect pair of socks look like? wool and warm


1975. What is the longest you have ever gone with out sleeping? 96 hours


1976. Have you ever had a halucination? yes


1977. Are you generally happy? yes


1978. Are you a

sore loser? no

sore winner? sometimes


1979. Were you an 80’s baby? yes


1980. What’s in the room with you right now that you can’t see? my bed


1981. Do you ALWAYS thouroughly wash your hands after going to the bathroom? not always


1982. If someone else were to describe you what would you hope they would say? the life of the party.


1983. What is the sound of one hand clapping?it sounds like skin smacking together


1984. You are filling out a 5000 question survey. What would you rather be doing right now? cleaning

Why aren’t you doing it? because i don’t really want to do it


1985. Do you prefer carnivals, festivals, circuses, parades or fairs? festivals


1986. Are you useful?yes


1987. Are you a:

bitch/bastard? yes

lover? maybe if i am drunk

child? no

mother/father? no

sinner? fuck that shit

saint? yes


1988. What is the dirtiest habit you can think of? scratching your ass


1989. What kind of person will you ABSOLUTELY never date? someone smelly, like the kind of smell that will never go away

1990. What were you doing at ten fifteen last saturday night? rolling on E


1991. Do you ever need ‘quiet time’? yep


1992. What are you made of? water


1993. What does ‘you are what you eat’ really mean? tthat if you eat crap you look like crap


1994. What was the last thing you counted? oh, this test for a job interview


1995. Do you think it is harder for a parent to outlive their child or for the child to lose a parent? child to loose a parent


1996. Do you believe in psychic ability or is it a sham? fake


1997. What is your favorite classic rock song? i love Bob Dylan


1998. Who are you anyway? myself

Are you your resume? no


1999. When are you the most insecure? when i am the fattest one.


2000. Who would your fantasy threesome involve? hmm, not sure. hot boys for sure

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