Another Update

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When I started to type that heading up there the computer came up with ‘Another Relapse’ because that was the title of a few of my private entries but thankfully they were from many months ago so I was mightily glad to change the second word to ‘update’!

The year-long taper has ended at last and today is Day 52 of being codeine free and Week 4 of an increased dose of the anti-depressant Citalopram.  The side effect of these things has been almost unbearable – fatigue especially.  Another couple of weeks should let me know if these are working at this dose – if not that’s it for me – I’ve been going through this merry-go-round with these drugs (the anti-depressants) since May and am sick of it.

Sarah is now on her way to Oz and the outcome was that her post is not being filled as we had thought and the office is to be closed.  Therefore it’s compulsory redundancy for me.  The down side to that – or one of them – is that I have to pack up the office and clear the furniture – a pretty depressing affair.  It made sense for me to do it though as I’m the only one left and our nearest office is 150 miles away.  But being 3 floors up (with no lift) it’s very frustrating – I can only fill a black bag about a quarter full so that I’m able to carry it downstairs and swing it into the big commercial bins in the car park with one hand, the other hand needed to keep the lid up.  There’s loads of stuff to chuck out – 8 years worth – although thankfully a good chunk got binned when we moved to this office 3 years ago.  The last 5 years’ worth of files will be couriered to our Glasgow office and will probably lie in some dusty room somewhere to get chucked as well when the time comes.

I met with the 2 girls who are running the charity I mentioned previously which could offer me a job at 15 hours a week and they were happy to have me on board – the job should be available around the start of the New Year sometime which will fit in fine as I should finish here at the end of the year as far as I can gather.  That job only brings in about half of what I need to survive each month so I will need to look for a supplement or dig bigtime into my savings which I’m loathe to do.  Still undecided on that one as yet – the tiredness is the main factor there – I just can’t see me having the energy to cope with another part-time job at the moment.

Nikki has now changed her job to being a cook with the same nursery but only working in the mornings instead of full-time so she gets to spend afternoons with Lily.  She works in a different unit to her now and misses the stimulation of her old job tremendously – the new one is pretty boring but they created it especially for her which I thought was really nice of them.  And at least she’s still in the nursery so that once Lily is older there might be a chance of crawling up the ladder again if she still wants to.

There’s a chance she might be starting on anti depressants as well because therapy for her OCD hasn’t worked and it’s beginning to get worse.  I have no wish for her to go through that hell in the slightest but everyone’s experience on these things is different so I have no way of knowing how she’ll react.  Her doctor stupidly told her there were no side effects from the ssri’s and also that they would only take a week to take effect – WTF?!  I put her right on that score because it’s important she needs to realise she has to persevere with them to find out if they work.

It brings a smile to my face just to type her name.

Still entertaining and amazing us and the other day delighted us by taking her first steps!  The great thing is we were both there to see it.  She had been doing the whole ‘trying to walk between us’ bit but it was more of a one step and lunge into a pair of waiting outstretched arms affair then on Sunday she managed to stagger a few steps on her own before falling into the outstretched arms and by Tuesday night she was walking longer distances and walking between objects.  It’s fantastic how quickly little ones pick up things and how determined they are to master something.

She’s had her first birthday although was unwell on the day of her party poor soul and threw up 3 times in the morning!  We just operated a Nil By Mouth policy in the afternoon and she was able to enjoy the party until the next projectile vomit at teatime ……

Nikki had a whole ladybird theme going on for the party as Lily’s favourite toy is Ladybug – see below:

which now doesn’t exist in the shops so we have a major panic whenever he gets lost and have bought various other versions off ebay etc. when it happens!

So Lily was dressed as a ladybug as well (sort of) and everything was spotty – even the food.

And of course the cake.

Boyd and Bev came to the party which was nice although didn’t interact very much with Lily but there were a lot of folk there and I think they felt a bit out of things.  Boyd did play with her for all of about 5 minutes at one point though.

On the way home …… it’s an exhausting business being one ……

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We went to a Hallowe’en party at the end of that month and Nikki, knowing Lily would want to be on the move the whole time, dressed her up as an old wifie out with her shopping trolley which was her babywalker in disguise and meant she could toddle round the hall to her heart’s content the whole night!

Worked a treat.

The Nulling and Voiding
Referring to the tortuous process of the Roman Catholic church which doesn’t recognise a civil divorce so have their own methods of deciding whether a marriage is over or not.  I have to say this pissed me off greatly as I’ve already written about but strangely, when I came to actually be interviewed I found it, although slightly harrowing, almost a cathartic process.  They go into things in great detail – Boyd’s childhood, education, upbringing, siblings, parents’ marriage, career, relationships, personality, courtship, engagement, expectations of marriage then the marriage itself.  Then exactly the same for me.  That meant that after two and a half hours we had only reached the first year ofmarriage and still had 24 years to go!  We had to reschedule another meeting the following week but that one was more rushed – only two hours this time – and more difficult because he wrote everything I said down longhand each time so it took ages to cover anything.  It did help though that I warmed to the guy – a family man himself (which stupidly, because of that fact, meant he couldn’t be a priest only a Deacon) – he was down to earth and fully sympathetic so that made it slightly easier.

But it just made me see how much I was up against it right from the start and how blindly I carried on putting up with things I would never put up with now.  Having said that, we do the best we can with what we have at the time and we both agreed even if Boyd and I had met all over again and were more prepared this time we probably wouldn’t have done anything differently because we were in love and thought that’s all that mattered.  I was asked if I thought the marriage could have worked and what it would have taken to make it work and that was interesting to think through (I said yes by the way).  It was almost like a counselling session at the end of the day!

Anyway that’s my bit of it over now and I’m glad.

I still can’t decide whether or not to change back to my maiden name or not.  I’ve been mulling this over for absolute ages and I need to get a new driving licence and also my passport renewed anyway so thought it might be a good time to do it.  I had a dream last night where I had joined this maths group (of all things – not my strong point at school) and I was handing in homework to our tutor in an envelope and at the same time she handed me another brown envelope with the following week’s homework in it and I noticed she had written my maiden name on the front!  This wasn’t a younger version of me or anything – I was around the age I am now and I remember saying “Oh I’ll just change the name on that other envelope in case it causes any confusion because that’s not the name I’ve registered as.”

Very strange.

Probably just my subconscious saying Oh just get on with it FFS and stop whining about it!

I have a very smartass subconscious.

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November 25, 2013

My but the little ladybug is growing FAST. The photos are adorable. The old lady/trolley is so funny. When you said “Oh just get on with it for FFS” I thought that this was good advice for a whole lot of issues in our lives.

Try eBay for ladybug stuff Take your Felecia at night- I did and it helped with sleeping Loving the lily pix Envying you xxx

Btw? I own ALL Of King’s books… My addiction began in 1976 while on Nightshift ( which is coincidentally the first King book I read) Wish I lived next door so you could read all of mine :))

November 25, 2013

Now I understand. I used to read your diary sometime ago when you and Boyd were living together. Then for a while I didn’t read it for some reason. When I took it up again, Boyd had dropped out of your diary. I wondered if perhaps he had died. Now you mention him in this, the same OD entry as you are also discussing some of the details of your marriage breakup, changing you name, etc. So I’m up to date to an extent. My best wishes go to each of you.

November 25, 2013
November 26, 2013

Lily looks so hilarious as the old wifey! Smart idea for a costume. Congrats on being codeine-free!! I hope the anti-depressant thing can be worked out one way or another. Have you ever tried St John’s Wort? (not compatible with many drugs and expensive, so may not be a good idea though.) Very sorry your job has gone. Good luck for a replacement. As an ex-Catholic, I can’t understand how Boydcan get an annulment if you have a child! Glad it’s a therapeutic process anyway.

November 26, 2013

Lily!! That has got to be the best Halloween costume ever. And I’m so glad that despite the astonishment of her impending arrival, that it has ended up being such a cause of joy for you. And for us, getting to see her adorable pictures! I’m sorry about the anti-depressant side affects– I hope this dose will end up working. How frustrating. Congratulations on codeine freedom, though! Man, nothing is ever easy, is it?!? The annulment process does sound pretty darned cathartic. “We do the best we can with what we have at the time” is the truest thing ever. And as my mom always said, everything happens for a reason.

Being a 40 yr night nurse, sleeping was elusive at best, nonexistent at worst. This past summer I hit an all time low with worries re Lights condition so asked MD for Trazodone I can honestly say it works like a charm for me Google it It also has tricyclics (antidepressants) in it I’ve not felt at my peak like this in 13 months It’s worth asking/checking out Xx

November 26, 2013

My shes growing 🙂

November 26, 2013

Poor Nikki. Mark is so frustrated with his OCD. He’s waiting to see a psychologist fof CBT again but there’s an 8 month waiting list. Anti-depressants don’t really work. He just gets the side-effects. I can’t believe how much Lily has changed. Don’t they grow up quickly?

November 27, 2013

Sweet pictures! ~ Regarding going back to your maiden name, if it feels right to you, I’d say do it. When my ex-girlfriend’s divorce was final, she changed her name back. *hug*

Oh so lovely to read you again Marg. With OD faffing about and being back to work it’s been such a long time. I love this sentence: “Lily It brings a smile to my face just to type her name.” 🙂 So lovely to hear about her and to see the pics too. Also glad that the annuling part for you is over. Do you know what the result of it all is for Boyd? And glad that it was cathartic.

You must be very stressed over work and ‘not work’ so to speak. What a horrible situation to find yourself in. I hope it’s one of those cases where it actually all resovles itself for the best and your glad it happened with hindsight things.

ps – my subconscious sent me an entire truckload of firemen the other day. 🙂 For once I thought it was doing alright…Far better than the time it told me I was dating George Clooney and then all it could find for me to do was to tell him we were late for something. What a waste!

Oh, what a wonderful entry – as much for Lily as for the Big Update on You. Yes, those damn doctors who seem at times to know SFA about anything, but about side-effects in particular. I hope the end of your chemical journey is a good one, but nobody can say you haven’t tried. Day 52 .. Go YOU!!!!! *** I do hope also that it is not so savage as other dependencies can be to end off. That wifie costume is very very clever .. and what a wee wonder she isin her spotty outfit. I am staggered by the thoroughness of the annulment process, and hope it all ends up with s bit of peace and well-being for you. There is something so seductive about someone who is actually pressing you for more information, hey? And how interesting an insight this was – the procedure is One I’ve known existed since I was a tot but I didn’t know what was involved. The nuns made it sound like the Inquisition – fiery pyres and all. May you be well, dear heart.

December 1, 2013

My Sister is a grandma now, she smiles all the time now, I’ve held the little chap twice and he’s a real arm full, and with me only being there now and then he’s not sure about me! There’s only one way to interact with a little one, get down there, I can do that bit it’s the other I struggle with …. Nice photographs, in the second one I saw a real Grandmar’s the twinkle!

Just letting you know that I was here, and I read. I’m hardly ever here any more, and can’t remember the last time I wrote 🙁 It’s been a tough year all round…interesting to read your thoughts on Citalopram cos my doc has been pushing it big time. I’m ‘seriously’ depressed…but resistant to drugs. Be well, my friend *hugs* xx

December 7, 2013

You have a VERY cute grandaughter

December 23, 2013

wow she is so cute and one already!

March 28, 2018

Hi, I managed to get in. Yay, _so_ glad to see your name 🙂