As April comes to an end

Aah, it’s funny to realise I need a Monday to catch up on sleep 😋

End of April, beginning of May is always when the craziness of upcoming shows starts, this is no exception. Basically, I’ll be on the run until June 2nd.

This weekend was a string of rehearsals and shows. Went to see a friend’s musical on Friday night. Ironically, it turned out that the chorus was my old director’s chorus, so I knew about half of the cast in the end. Also ran into a few people I knew in the crowd after the show. It was rather flattering having Charlene say that I was  her vocal coach. When I looked at her strange she said that whenever she was unsure, she would look at my face and know what was what. I had to chuckle at that one.

Saturday was Addam’s Family rehearsal, the first one where we were doing some actual scenes. Up until now it’s only been table reads, singing and dancing. It was fun to see the scenes come to life. I think this is going to be a pretty funny play. I’m excited to see where it goes. Afterwards I had a hair appointment. My usual colour wasn’t available (I’d been doing turquoise streaks for a while), so instead I went with a dark blue, so now I’m sporting auburn with dark blue. It’s pretty cool, I was sad about the turquoise, but in the end, I may actually like this more. I’ve gotten a ton of compliments on it too. Saturday night I went to see another play that some of my theatre buddies were in. I hadn’t seen Sophie in a while, so it was a good opportunity. The subject matter of the play was rather dark, but they did a really good job of making the characters come to life and somehow still be someone likeable, just really, really flawed. It was a good night.

Sunday was another rehearsal day, this time dance choreography for the chorus. We spent the first 3 hours on Start a Fire and the last hour we worked on the duo for Singing in the Rain. Things are coming together nicely (which is good considering we hit the stage in three week for Singing in the Rain, at least we have 5 weeks or so for the rest of them). Afterwards Julien gave Alex and I a lift home. Before dropping off Alex, we were all hungry, so we stopped at a Vietnamese restaurant, where Alex’s boyfriend François came to join us for dinner. We had a nice meal and conversation, talking about the quirks of the France vs Quebec pronunciations/language. It was actually quite entertaining as far as these conversations go, because sometimes they can get quite argumentative. Afterwards I spent the evening catching up on laundry, cleaning, meal prep and a few episodes of the Flash (hey, gotta keep entertained while folding clothes lol).

So the upcoming week… I was supposed to meet up with Colin tonight (a guy I’ve been chatting with on Tinder for a few weeks), but he texted me on Friday about possibly having to postpone due to a work thing, and that turned out to be the case. We’re looking at possibly Thursday. My best friend is in town from Vancouver on Wednesday, so I’ll have to skip the meeting for chorus stage production. He’s in town to visit with his bio dad who is sick. He’s seeing him on Thursday, so we’ll spend the evening together on Wednesday. I haven’t seen him since I visited with Pascal in September. The two of us have talked a bit more in the last couple of months due to both of us going through breakups, so it’ll be nice to see him ‘live’. Friday, I’ll finally get to meet David. We had a 3 hour conversation last Wednesday, and since then we’ve been texting back and forth quite a bit. We both have pretty crazy schedules so I’m glad we found a time to meet. I’m actually optimistic about this one. The conversation on the phone flowed really well, he seems intelligent and interesting and didn’t panic when I told him that sometimes getting involved with me means having to be patient. We have a lot in common, although he seems to think I’m much more exciting than he is… He referred to himself as beige…  I’m trying to be open-minded and not find every reason to talk myself out of it. God forbid I should actually be interested by someone who doesn’t seem to be emotionally unavailable right? Anyhow…


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