You Stole My Heart And Then You Kicked It Aside…

It’s been a long time.

I don’t really have much to say here, in all honesty. The truth is that I came here mostly because I needed somewhere to write this down:

My cat died. Her name was Ladybug. She was 13. She weighed 5 and a half pounds and was thin as a rail for the last several years. When she was a kitten she had ear mites. Sometime around the age of 2 years, she showed signs of hyperactive thyroid.

Last Friday, June 12th, at about 4.40 pm, she was put down. The vet called on Thursday afternoon to tell us that she was doing very badly. The vet told us that she was going into renal (kidney) failure. The following pictures were taken less than an hour before she was put down (they’re pictures taken on my phone, so I’m sorry if the quality kinda sucks).

I can’t walk up to my mother’s bedroom without losing my breath from how much I miss her. I have literally cried every single day she’s been gone. She was tiny and dainty and precious to me. She was the only pet that I could call mine. And she’s gone. She’s really gone. Forever.

– damn girl – all-american rejects –

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June 17, 2009

What an adorable kitty. I’m so sorry you are going through this. Losing a pet is one of the toughest things ever.

June 18, 2009

Hey you… *hug*

June 27, 2009

oh baby i’m so sorry to hear about your kitty. she is beautiful and she was so loved.

That kitten is so very cool!

January 3, 2010

sorry about your kitty šŸ™ i have gone through that with several of my dogs and it is AWFUL because they are family, sometimes even closer