Friends With Kids.


I need to quit watching or reading anything that has to do with babies.

I’m watching Friends with Kids right now? I want to cry. It’s SO freaking sweet and adorable and fabulous and it’s just the worst, I hate it. lol

But, no, it’s super cute. It’s only like a half hour into it, but it’s good so far. 

So, Bubb has been kinda weird lately.. almost annoyingly so, he’s been really clingy and needy and suggestive and making all these innuendos and being really… flirty and … i dunno, he’s laying it on thick. It’s hard to make anything of it, though, because he is always super flirty. with everyone. So i dunno what to think of it… at all, if anything.. ugh. I dunno. It’s getting weird, though, because it’s kind of constant and he’s seriously laying it on thick lately, like "oh you’re so pretty and I wish you and I were ever single at the same time and I have a hard time not staring at you when we’re at the gym.." etc, etc, etc. It’s kind of .. annoying.

It’s awkward, because, I really love Bubb, in a friends kind of way, but I’m not attracted to him, and I don’t want it to go anywhere else. I’m not interested in that ever being a thing. So it’s kind of awkward and annoying, but it’s also slightly stressful. I don’t have time for tip toeing around his feelings or trying to be nice or avoid saying certain things or whatever. I just don’t know what to do with him, so I just basically ignore it all the time. :-

I’m not sure what to do about it. ignore it or say something to him about it…. I dont want him to think I’m leading him on if I dont just shut it down, but I also don’t want to .. talk about it or acknowledge it. lol

So. Internship is chugging along. I’ve gotten As on everything, great review sheets and assessments. But it’s really intense and insane. So much work. Ugh. I was hitting the gym every night after work for an hour or half hour, but I don’t have time anymore. Maybe I’ll start it up again later on in my life. Ugh. 

Man, I just don’t have anything to say.

I want to write more, but I don’t even know what to say. Ross is still a pain in the ass, Kasin is hitting that pre-teen stage where he’s a spoiled brat and complains about everything. He’s making me insane, and he got his first Referral at school- OOOOOOOOOOH! I was heated. He spelled out a certain four-letter-word in front of the playground duty and the school counselor and like all of 3rd-6th grade. Idiot. He had to write long apology letters.

He also moved up to yellow belt in Tae Kwon Do. He’s doing really well with it, and enjoying it a lot. He was being a turd about it for a while there and not wanting to go, but I think it was worse when it was summer time and he wanted to run around and play with all of his friends all the time and didn’t like being interrupted to go to TKD. But now he’s stuck inside more and it’s colder and everyone has homework every night so he isnt running around outside as much running amok. I think he enjoys it more now that it’s colder out and it’s more of a break from school and it’s a lot more physical activity than he gets otherwise. 

Milo is still a monster. He’s super smart and adorable, and he has gotten SO big. He sings all the time, now, he knows SO many songs! It shocks me all the time. He just.. talks. all the time. He’s SO articulate, he says things that are really complex and abstract. He amazes me! I know it’s not THAT amazing, he’s not a super genius, but man! He’s definitely at the high end of average. lol 🙂

He’s LOVING daycare, now. He’s really bored all the time at home and always wants to go to daycare on the weekends. He’s a naughty boy, though. He’s rough with his friends and hits and pushes and gets in tons of trouble. Haha, but he loves it. 
Alright, Kasin has a bday party to go to. 

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October 28, 2013

I wrote a big long note and stupid dumb OD timed out and didn’t post it. And I’m too pissed to remember everything I wrote. >:| Are you on prosebox yet? I’m there, same name. Find meeeeee!