Oh. MY. GOD. You guys.

I start student teaching in three days. I’ve been working towards this since Kasin was a year and a half old. A YEAR AND A HALF. Good god. IN THREE DAYS.

I am full of SO much anxiety and nervousness, I cannot even explain it. Im all churned up- What if I SUCK?! What if my mentor teacher doesn’t like me?  what if I can’t command a classroom? What if the 6th grade monsters eat me up? Or at least, chew me up and spit me out? I MEAN, What are the chances of my walking in and just automatically being good at this? I’ve never worked with 6th graders before, EVER. ON PURPOSE. They scare the hell out of me! They’re all hormones and B.O. 

Oh god, I’m scared. What if I can’t keep up with my homework for my methods classes? What if I kick ass at student teaching, but can’t keep up with the required HOMEWORK hoops they make us jump through? There’s like, eight giant binders to prepare for each class, and they have insane deadlines, and it’s SO MUCH work.

Honestly, I’m far more concerned about the homework than the student teaching, even though it’s sixth graders. Primarily because my kids are not going to let me work on school work while they are awake… plus, with family obligations, I won’t have time anyways! I’m going to have to be up all night most nights, whenever there’s something due. 

I feel like, I KNOW I can do this. I CAN DO THIS. I’ve come this far, I have this much drive, I can DO IT. But there’s so much that can go wrong.

I’m glad I got the teacher I have, because I think she’s really going to push me, which I think I’ll need. I think she’ll be easy to talk to if I have problems, too. She told me that the UAF School of Ed wants everyone to keep communication journals with their interns so they can write back and forth to each other about any problems and discuss things without having to be confrontational or emotional. She told me she doesn’t do that "crap" and that if I have a problem, I should say so, because she definitely will. I’m glad of that, because Im the same way. I’ll just tell you what the problem is, if I have a problem. 

Also I think she’s going to really make the most of this year for me, and I’ll get more out of it than anyone else. She told me to be prepared for all the other interns to be shocked and horrified when I tell them what all she has me doing. 

In any event, I’m nervous for Milo to be going to a brand new daycare, too! We’re visiting tomorrow from 9-11 and then he starts on the 14th for the full day, all by himself. In a brand new center with kids he doesn’t know and teachers he’s never met! 


And Kasin’s back-to-school social hasn’t been announced yet, I have no idea what time and day they’ll be. I have to go to the one for
Ladd, the school I’ll be working at, and I hope they don’t overlap so I can go to Kasin’s, too! 🙁

Lord have mercy. I’m so nervous and anxious and excited all at once.

I hope it goes well.

I need to figure out ideas for me Milo and Kasin’s lunches soon and re-stock my school lunch snacks.



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August 11, 2013

You, m’dear, are going to be FINE. 🙂 I wouldn’t worry about not being able to command a room, because you demand attention enough from me, so I know you’ll eventually wear those 12 year old monsters down too. 😀 Just teasing. It’ll be great. You’re good with kids and you can do it. You already know your teacher likes you well enough, so don’t worry! And you have me to help as needed! 😀

August 12, 2013

You’ll do great!!

You’ve got this! I’m rooting you on from afar. Ashley

You’re going to be awesome! Your teacher sounds like she is going to be great to learn from.

come back and update, lady! hows student teaching going??