It’s Been A While…

I’m new here, but I’m not new. 

I’m a 39 [almost 40] year old mom of 2 zesty young boys [8 & 3]… 

I’m diagnosed with severe anxiety, severe depression [with intent to self harm] and PTSD.

I’m on a healing journey… and trying to find myself again. Slowly, but surely I am rediscovering who I am and it’s a beautiful adventure. I thought I was just a broken shell of a woman… but there is so much more to me than just that.

I love music… writing… painting… making jewelry… baking & cooking… baseball [Go Pirates!]… football [Go Steelers!!]… traveling… day dreaming… camping and a whole bunch of other things. 

I am also on the path to bariatric surgery this summer. I have struggled with my weight my entire life and it’s at the point that I just want to live my life and not struggle. It’s something I will be dealing with every day the rest of my life so I am finally accepting the help. I started on April 19th and I am down 40lbs. I have one nutrition appointment and a psych evaluation and then hopefully I’ll be blessed with a surgery date. It’s going to be a lot of work… but I am ready for it. I deserve to finally feel comfortable in my own skin.

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June 11, 2023

No hockey? I was expecting to see the Penguins get listed.

Welcome back. I am glad that you are on a healing journey. I hope that OD can help with that.

June 12, 2023

@heffay not a big fan of hockey but if I was… it would be the penguins lol thanks for the welcome… little nervous to share my journey with others again.