today’s entry

well, class went really well today, and since ive been listening to the subtle art of not giving a fuck, its been helping my mind so much. alot of people hear the title and they would assume something that the book isnt, again i highly recommend it, but only as an audio book, its an experience. but i learned about focusing on and helping new muscles in class today which was nice, im also going to continue my research paper on buddhism and im really enjoying doing this paper, i was telling some of the girls in my class about it and they wanted to read the paper so i suppose ill be printing it out for them to read, we were all hyping eachother up today and id today feels okay, like it feels like an alright day and i really needed this today, i wonder if my meds are the problem but idk i need to remember to get them tomorrow ive been pretty bad about that the last couple days but thats alright. oh and our teacher showed us a new way of studying which is really exciting. im looking forward to doing it. but alright gotta get back to the homeworkkkkk.

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