
Well this time tomorrow I will be on my way to India.

I have been madly cooking for the boys in the last 24 hours, stockpiling some stews for them in the freezer in case they need a bit of mums cooking while I am gone.

I also managed to dye my hair this morning.

What I haven’t managed to do is pack.

Packing seems to make it all so final, but I really need to do this or come 4am tomorrow when I leave for the airport I am going to be in a spot of trouble.

So India – I am excited, nervous and scared. Excited as I am going somewhere I have never been before, experiencing a new culture at a very intimate level by living and working there and I will admit I a also a little excited to be flying business class and getting a stop over in Singapore. I have plans already to see the Taj Mahal and Red Fort, and other weekend trips are in the making as well.

Nervous and scared – I am so nervous and scared about offending them, about the project not going well, about it not working, about hating it there, about missing my family, about getting sick but as I type this, I realise this is all stuff in my head that will potentially not eventuate unless I make it happen. Fear





What is going to happen is I am going to do all the stuff I am excited about, I need to focus on that and release the fear as it won’t eventuate.

Better go pack 🙂

Just another little piece of me…..

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Relax. Smile. Breathe. They’ll love you, the boys will survive, and everything will be fine. Have fun!

Relax. Smile. Breathe. They’ll love you, the boys will survive, and everything will be fine. Have fun!

Ooh, I hate it when I double-note.

May 10, 2013

Have a safe trip and enjoy it!

Be safe and enjoy, and your boys will miss you but celebrate your return. Can’t wait to hear all about it.

Ooh enjoy, have a wonderful trip 🙂