Floating Fetus

pregnancy calendar

So, I didnt go see dad for 2 days because I was mad at him, mad at the situation and just didnt want to be putting myself through that.

Apparently he was asking for me last night, I was already planning to go this morning.  They are getting ready to send him to rehab, gotta see how he does on his new blood thinner and get his chest cleaned out a little bit more.

Right now he calls his therapy "stupid shit" and says he doesnt need it, I so hope his attitude changes.  I get so angry sometimes that this happened.  But everything happens for a reason.

I found a new ticker…..thought Id add it to my millions I have already.  I think its cute.  Still not feeling Piglet move around in there.  Getting kinda antsy, but I know its coming soon.  Then I will be wishing I could go back to when I couldnt feel Piglet at all…..Im sure its gonna get painful.

In a week we go back to the doc to make sure Piglets anatomy is as it should be, everything is where it belongs, we can find out the sex then if we want to.  I dunno, Im really torn.  Im anxious to know what Piglet is, but at the same time…….I really wanna wait.  We both feel that way so I dunno whats gonna happen.

Nothing much else to report on at the moment.

Did I ever mention my dog is pregnant?  Shes getting bigger by the day too…..I cant wait for the puppies…..they are so cute when they are first born, but then I will be ready to get rid of them.  I’ll have to calculate later when she is due.  Funny part is, she still jumping all over the place.  From a dead stand still position she jumps, right up in the air, not just front paws off the ground, all 4 paws are off and pretty well even in the air….she can almost jump as high as I am tall……you wont catch my pregnant ass jumping around like that.  And to think…..shes probably got 6 or 8 little ones in there…….I only have one!

Alright, well Im outta here.

Bye bye!!

pregnancy calendar

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February 8, 2008
February 8, 2008

Lots of fetus’s around ya! Lol. Hope everything with your dad gets better!

February 8, 2008

ryn: thanks for the info. 🙂 I’ll try anything to stop the nausea and the puking.

February 8, 2008

I like the new clicker. I think I’ve seen it on someone else’s diary and I thought it was so cute. Hopefully your dad changes his attitude about the situation as he slowly recooperates. Just remain positive with him although you feel like screaming at him. It’s hard to be pist off at someone treating you so nice. Awwww your dog is expecting too. That’s cute. 🙂 Have a great weekend.

February 11, 2008

Aww…..I remember being pregnant! Sometimes I want to do it again, sometimes I think I’ll NEVER have another baby. HAHA! What kind of dog do you have? I WANT A PUPPY!!!! That’s SO CUTE you both are pregnant! HAHA! Was it planned for her??