101 things in 1001 days.

start date: february 15, 2007
end date: november 12, 2009

  1. get married. (completed august 11, 2007)
  2. buy a house. (completed march 2, 2007)
  3. read & interpret (in my own words) a book of poems.
  4. get a subscription to skirtmag charlotte.
  5. join a book club.
  6. join a bowling league, or just do it more often if league fees are too high.
  7. write a letter to kay about maria (all good things!).
  8. try yoga.
  9. try pilates. (completed october 16,2007)
  10. create an ab routine & do it everyday for 2 weeks.
  11. learn how to make a killer tiramisu.
  12. get a new dooney or coach bag.
  13. read every book on my TBR list as it exists today, 2/14/07
  14. get nice new bookshelves.
  15. save $500 in play money for the cruise in march 08.
  16. get scary close to earning a BA.
  17. read more informative non-fiction books, at least 5.
  18. write creatively for 30 minutes every night, and an hour on sat & sun for a month.
  19. participate in NaNoWriMo 07, 08, & 09 – and win one of them.
  20. re-visit Charleston for a day or weekend trip. (the good part of town!) (completed february 29, 2008)
  21. get new scrapbook albums (1 for our wedding (completed August 7, 2007), 1 for odin, 1 for me & matt, 1 for
    family, 1 for friends, 1 for the house, 1 for goop).
  22. scrapbook all remaining 06 pictures.
  23. scrapbook all remaining 07 pictures.
  24. obtain the entire pink kitchenaid collection. (close enough)
  25. shop tj maxx & tuesday morning for awesome deals while having a shopping craving.
  26. save a 6-month emergency fund. (completed summer of 08)
  27. pay off GM card.
  28. send a thank you letter (or email) to Dr. Pikus. (completed may 11, 2007)
  29. donate money to the SPCA or Humane Society (or both).
  30. fix all buttons on clothes i haven’t worn because of missing buttons.
  31. plant a veggie & herb garden.
  32. research popular baby-drama (cloth diapering, breastfeeding, co-sleeping, ect).
  33. write a review for every book i read in 07.
  34. learn how to make real apple pie, well. (well, it sucked)
  35. do not go out to eat/pick up food for lunch for 2 weeks.
  36. start taking vitamins. (completed december 17, 2007)
  37. get a short(er) haircut after the wedding. (completed August 7, 2007)
  38. get a puppy (as long as circumstances permit).
  39. say a quick prayer before bed every night for a month to get in the habit.
  40. replenish recently thrown out nail polish supply with at least 5 new bottles. (3/5)
  41. have my REAL bra size taken at vicky’s.
  42. own at least 3 go-to dresses. (completed summer of 08, but i don’t even love them anymore…)
  43. keep a record of everyone’s birthday.
  44. get a blue & gold sabres jersey.
  45. get a NC driver’s license. (completed january 15, 2008)
  46. compile a book-only wish list. (completed february 16, 2007)
  47. keep a creative writings/informative blog. (completed may of 07 – i don’t share it with anyone, though)
  48. do research on & learn about presidential candidates this coming election.
  49. sew a quilt for a charity of some kind.
  50. write a letter worthy of sending to nicholas sparks.
  51. purchase my favorite child lit as a kid (will add titles later).
  52. learn how to play one song on a guitar. 
  53. go to church every sunday for a month.
  54. take a photography class, or read a technique book.
  55. go to the discovery place in downtown Charlotte.
  56. buy a pair of sexy red heels. 
  57. take lots of great pictures on the cruise & frame the best ones.
  58. decorate a small cake with fondant.
  59. pack a complete picnic for me  & matt and take it to the latta plantation.
  60. buy some live house plants, and keep them alive.
  61. get a new subscription to the paper, and read most of it. (completed february 18, 2007)
  62. start a saturday/sunday morning routine with matt, complete with paper reading & coffee with no computers or tv’s interrupting until we’ve relaxed, read, and sipped our caffeine for at least an hour.
    (completed february 18, 2007)
  63. get photoshop and/or paintshop pro & learn how to use them well.
  64. make home-made waffles & top them with strawberries & whipped cream. (completed august 31, 2008)
  65. research 3 things i want to know more about, and 1 thing i don’t even care about. then write small article/entry with my findings.
  66. get a bread maker and learn how to make interesting breads.
  67. buy a hot pink ipod nano. (completed december 25, 2007 – but, they don’t make them in hot pink anymore
    so i have green instead, and i didn’t buy it – matt gave it to me for christmas)
  68. read the rest of the harry potter books. (7/7) (completed July 22, 2007)
  69. visit the charlotte museum of history & the alexander home site.
  70. try 26 things.
  71. try a completely southern food like fried squash or something.
  72. build a family web site & try to get people involved. (completed summer of 07)
  73. get odin a sibling.
  74. go through my cd collection and throw out mystery burned cd’s. (completed march 23, 2007)
  75. try a mom & pop cafe down here like lupie’s or toast.
  76. own a string of real pearls.
  77. help matt complete his own 101 things list.
  78. learn how to make real southern biscuits.
  79. see a charlotte checkers game.
  80. try to start a web site/blog/forum for charlotte transplants. (completed 2/15/07 – updating it is another thing!)
  81. hang a picture collage with mismatched frames on the living room walls. (completed october 6,2007)
  82. try a new wine once a month for a year.
  83. buy 5 new pair of earrings. (3/5)
  84. sell something on ebay</st

rike>. (completed april 11, 2007)

  • find a pen pal, snail mail if possible.
  • buy an article of clothing from a store i’ve never shopped in before.
  • don’t bite my nails for one week.
  • write a complaint letter to our complex when we finally move.
  • read 50 more books beyond what’s listed above (TBR list, non-fiction, ect). (4/50)
  • shop at used book stores to find cheap books & new authors.
  • take a casual walk through uptown with matt. (completed april 26, 2008)
  • re-visit grandfather mountain.
  • watch matt play a hockey game in his new league.
  • complete the lake scrapbook.
  • attempt making guacamole.
  • find a scrapbook store in the area. (completed april 26, 2008)
  • see 5 movies in the theater each year. (2/5)(4/5)(0/5)
  • watch a sunset with matt in a new place (somewhere other than charlotte, buffalo, or myrtle beach)
    (completed april 08)
  • go on a personal vacation with matt, no other family involved. (completed february 29, 2008)
  • initiate working out with matt at least once. (pilates & walks count!)
  • get a new last name 😉 (completed August 11, 2007)
  • Log in to write a note
    February 15, 2007

    good list!! 🙂 wasn’t it hard to come up with 101 things?! ♥

    February 17, 2007

    aww, i love this idea! i think i might try it. i love things like that. i do have a list of things i want to do before i die. but i like how this list is meant to be more specific and time sensitive. as for the guacamole, are you talking about grabbing a packet of guac seasoning and adding it to avocados, or doing it completely homemade? i do it the first way mostly. 🙂

    March 5, 2007

    I love this.. I must do it too!! ( I think I have quickly become obsessed with this site.. lol)

    March 9, 2007

    You already DO own a string of REAL pearls goofball.. The ones you got for being in Amanda’s wedding!!!!!

    I’m originally from Long Island NY, but I moved up here for school and in those 4 years completely lost the accent and became a Buffalo girl LOL. Now if only Buffalo was a little warmer haha. Do you miss Wegmans and Tops? Because holy crap, I’ve noticed that every other grocery store seems to pale in comparison haha. Take care 🙂