

A belated Happy New Year to all of you!!  I hope you all had a nice holiday.  My family had a wonderful Christmas, we were very blessed with good friends, family, food and of course presents.  The girls were thrilled.

This will be a very short entry and probably my last entry for a while.  I know I haven’t been around much and haven’t been keeping up with all of you.

The truth is my  computer is shot.   It has just gotten worse and now is pretty much useless.  The screen is cracked all over and now the blurriness and jumping occur every few seconds.  It’s nearly impossible to use for more than a few minutes at a time.  Since it’s the computer itself, I can’t even write entries in Word and then paste them here.  I still get on Facebook but even that is very limited.   It’s just too much of a hassle and it gives me a headache besides.

 If anyone wishes to email me, I do check that every day or so.  My email is delraygirl1107@aol.com

I don’t anticipate getting a new computer anytime soon but I may still go to the library once in a while. In the meantime, I wish you all well and please don’t forget me! I will be back at some point, you can count on that. As always, you are in my prayers.

P.S.  My new granddaughter is scheduled to be here on January 18th!  Aimee is not feeling well today and the baby has dropped.  She has been having braxton-hicks on and off for weeks.  I have a feeling this little girl is gonna show up early.  Please say a prayer for good health and a safe delivery for Aimee and the baby.  Thank you. 


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January 12, 2012

Amiee is in my deepest prayers and baby too!!! I wanna keep in touch for sure, i miss you!!! I’m glad you and family had a good Christmas!!! Wishing you best of new year!!! Love and healthy huggs!!!

January 12, 2012

Aimee will definitely be kept in my thoughts as well as you!! Be well my friend and Ill be looking for you!

January 12, 2012

I miss your posts. I don’t know what I would do without a computer. I seriously don’t having any friends I can talk to who aren’t on-line. I would be forced to only talk to my family. lol lol lol lol lol I’ll be thinking of you and yours. I hope Aimee has a quick, healthy delivery. Lots of love,

January 12, 2012

I’ll miss you so much! I will definitely say a prayer for Aimee and the baby! *big hugs*

Prayers going up for Aimee and baby. IF you can get on long enough to send a quick e-mail, I would love to know of her arrival. I can also share w/anyone or on my entry, IF you would like, to save you from a headache!! Love & BighUgz, Lois

Can you find an inexpensive monitor at a thrift shop? I will miss you!!

I look forward to your return. You will be missed.