You’re in your head again

Writing is something I enjoy doing, I just never have the time to do it. I like to write poetry. Hope you enjoy it!


You’re in your head again



There you go, over thinking again.

Of course, it’s okay.

Why would they lie?

You haven’t done anything wrong.

You’ve only asked for authenticity.

The same you give so freely.

And so you sit and question why your mind wanders.

You wonder what you did to make them go cold.

You lay your head at night and hope they reach out to you first the next morning.

That never comes

You try to look your best and feel your best

They say confidence is the key

All the while in the back of your mind, you wonder what’s on their mind

You go on with your life, doing your best

Reaching out first becomes exhausting

You become brave and question

Overthinker and relax often come up

You smile feeling a little better but your gut knows the truth

After the gaslighting you try to be strong

In the end, it all ends the same

You learn the truth

And as much as you want to yell and scream

And cut them off

You end up feeling for them, because after all you have no idea what is happening in their world.

And so repeats the cycle of someone with a big heart

And then the heartfelt conversation ends once they get what they need out of the exchange

But… look I’m probably just overthinking, right?







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