
Struggle Town. The name of my residence. The name used for any sense of trouble or hardship.

You know when you’re just so fucking pissed off that you just don’t think anyone gets it, no one understands. I mean, how could they? They don’t know what you’re feeling. They can try to sympathise but no one will ever actually understand you right?

Honestly, I’ve just had a fucking gutful. My twin girls are 3 in March and I’ve been a single mum since day dot. Fuck me dead. They’re testing my patience. I knew kids would be hard but no one said it’d be this fucking hard.


There’s times I actual just wanna give up and neck meself. The glorifying of suicide in my head is actually psychotic. I need help. I know it. But where from? I’ve called 8 practices today, to be told it’s literally just not gonna happen. Finally got a doc appts to be told that what I needed they won’t give me. It’s a letter. A fucking piece of paper. All you need to do is print it. Fuckers.


Twins… Idk, why do they exist? What motherfucker actually said ‘hey reckon we could fit 2 in there instead of 1 just to give her the ultimate doom of life’ 🙄


Honestly don’t know what I want from writing this, I guess maybe just having someone empathise with me would be nice…. Not be told I’m a drop kick lower coz I’m depressed 🙄👌


Idk… Kill me now. I’m well and truly over it.

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