goodbye opendiary i will miss you!

 When I found out they were shutting down opendairy I cried. I found such a wonderful support network here. I was on opendiary since October 31 2003. I was in the ninth grade when I became familiar with this website I went from a teenager,to a college student, to an adult working everyday life here. I have changed so much.

 When I told my best friends who have opendiary here too that they were shutting down they old me find a diary and they will follow. Thanks to Hotjavy a fellow opendiarist I manage to find a new diary home! is the website. My name in there is mysterymelody…if you want to add me as friends on there tell me you are from opendiary please! I love you all and want to keep communication with you all!

 I am going to miss opendiary its so odd not to write here on a regular basis. Life changes we all do. I hope to see you all there!

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