Hot and can’t be bothered

I still miss writing but recently the weather has got hot. OK something around 30 degrees C…86 degrees F….on holiday by a pool or the sea is brilliant but working in front of computers it is just draining. Especially so when the IT seems to be on holiday or feeling just as drained as humans!

This month is nearly done and things have decided to change at work. One of my longer serving colleagues moves to a different team leaving us one down, to be fair we have gone up in numbers so we just go back to where we are, the new ones have settled in and make me feel particularly inadequate (no jokes ladies!!!!) but also my programming (I guess its called coding skills) are showing the limitations from poor training and not enough tme to consolidate.

Month end approaches which also is the end of the 1st quarter and the final part of the triple the week end also comes. Generating 4 new reports based on data that has yet to exist is a little tricky to say the least. Guess that gets my next week, or two, sorted!

GD4 has her birthday soon. Her 1st birthday. She has just started crawling – just as D2 has got a suspected chipped bones in her foot with possible ligament damage. Not so good for her.

OK the rest of the family..D1 seems to have a new man – she has a terrible choice in partner and this one looks to be the same. You have to let them make their own failures and success when they are her age but when it also leads to possible further disruption to GD1, GD2 and GD3 I really don’t think she has this life choices thing vaguely sorted. Not that we ever really do but she should have sorted the basics by now. Guess there’ll be another carpet muncher before long. Depressing it is.

OK for those new to my family (dysfunctional??)

The Nun – wife

D1 and D2 – daughter 1 and daughter 2

No1son – self explanatory!

GD1, GD2, GD3, GD4 – granddaughter number x also grouped as gk – grandkid(s)

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June 28, 2018

86 degrees I can deal with. It’s been pushing 100 here in South Carolina.

Best of luck to D2; the crawling/learning to walk phase is exhausting, especially with an injury.

And D1…well, hopefully all works out.

July 1, 2018

@queenofegypt GD4 is a star…but now she is crawling an absolute handfull

June 30, 2018

It was disgustingly hot today here..90 something w/ heat index much higher.

You have kind of a big family, or should I say growing family. Hopefully your daughter gets her shit together, she should think of her kids first and foremost.


Take care. Stay cool.

July 1, 2018

@cherrywine_1 I think world peace is more likely but there we go