short note

 Ok.  An hour and a half at Mt. Tabor and 160 photographs.  It will likely take longer than 90 minutes to edit them, but I’m home and coffee’s on, and it is my mission to post some pictures of the reservoirs at Mt. Tabor.

I can’t remember exactly when I went there last time – it was a summer, and I took K* up there (we lived here together for 6 years and never once went to Mt. tabor – massive fail, eh?) but I can’t remember exactly which year it was.  I guess I could look through my pictures – I have all of them, originals and edited, and they do have info on them, hidden away, that says when they were taken, what the camera settings were, & ect, but… I think I’ll spend time on the NEW ones instead of an endless search for unimportant information.

Ok.  Water’s hot.  Coffee’s ground and steeping.  I played with Blacky Cat a little bit – guess it’s editing time.



The sun Finally came out.  That woulda looked better….


You might think that out of 160 pics that I’d throw some away, but in my not at all humble opinion, nearly all the pics I take are keepers.  It’s not the ego talking, it’s the truth.  Long years of practise with 35mm cameras, where every shot costs something to even see them gave me lots of practise in making every shot count.

I LOVE my digital camera.  Even if it is "obsolete" by modern standards.  I will use it till it dies, and… it’s a Nikon.  It will have a long life.

"New camera?  I don’t need no stinkin’ new camera."

(oh, but "want" is very different.  A Nikon DSLR?  I could stand having one o’ those)

Ok.  Editing time.  See you next time.




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January 9, 2011

sigh. coffee’s not helping, my eyes are closing as I edit. Nothing for it but a nap. In a couple of ours, look for some new pictures.

January 9, 2011

ryn: thank you! 🙂

January 9, 2011

I believe the last time you were there was in August 2005, on my request. I had asked you for pictures of Mt. Tabor. You came through beautifully. You have no idea how those pictures helped me in dealing with that cancer pain. For that, I am forever in your debt, ole Cat. 🙂 By the way, no matter what the weather is like, it’s all Oregon and all beautiful to me. 🙂

January 10, 2011

I do agree…you take phenomenal pictures. You’ve got a good eye