Slushy Saturday

Well, it’s really not that bad now, slushiness-wise, anyway. 

Some things to be thankful for:

The papers are in bundles of tens this weekend.  Let’s see.  Safeway gets 75 papers today, and that’s seven bundles and five loose.  Plaid at 21st gets ten – one bundle, & ect.  An easy day.

My number was up when I got there, but the other guy was going first so I had time to set up and get backed in straight. Only 68 bundles and the key?  Nooo problem!

It’s a Holiday weekend – not much traffic at all (and that had something to do with the hour I got the papers too)

Monacita texted me at some point, which I just saw; she’ll be able to come see Blacky Cat and feed him and deal with his box while I’m gone.

I am really going to go south this time.

It’s even better; I’ll be seeing my family first thing in 2009.  Totally more appropriate than seeing them last in 2008.

A minor thing:  There’s a new girl at my Shell station…  who like, blooms under my attention. She was complaining that she’d spent $450 on her boyfriend for Christmas and that he’d spent FIVE BUCKS on her – didn’t feel fair to her. "Well, when you get rid of him, I’ll step up…" I said, and she didn’t frown.  In fact, looked at me more closely.  Consideringly. 

Bad Cat!  Yes, I know, but cat’s gotta have SOME fun, doesn’t he?

I am done early with the papers, and it looks like I’ll get the Final Edition tonight, before Midnight, and thus, will be done before it’s light out tomorrow.  I’ll get some supplies for the cat tomorrow, and some for me and the car, get a good night’s sleep Sunday, cash my check as early as I can Monday… and will leave sometime after that.

Goin’ southbound.



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🙂 What a naughty cat! *laughs*Safe Travels!Light of heart,

Gee, your almost on the road again : )

December 27, 2008


December 27, 2008

have a great time with your family

December 27, 2008

have a safe trip yo!

December 27, 2008

I’m glad the roads are better there and that you have things in hand for your Plan B trip. Vancouver, Canada is a mess and it’s snowing more today.

December 28, 2008

Have a great trip!! And bring some of that nicer weather this way. We had freezing rain last night and I cannot remember the last day that it was not snowing!!! Have fun and be safe. And way to make the gal think!!! 😉

December 28, 2008

well, chicks like cats. especially nice, attentive ones. i’m so glad yr seeing yr family more often! that’ll be good for yr heart AND theirs. stay safe out there!

December 28, 2008

Bad, bad cat! I hope that your vacation is fantastic. I am excited to hear how the reunion goes. Be well!