What it’s gonna be

So, K* sent me a hundred bucks to get myself a Christmas present. 

I took that to Walmart and bought an external hard drive to store more stuff, but it did’nt work out and I took it back and got the money back.  Then I thought I was gonna buy this set of boots I’ve had my eye on (bookmarked online too…) but thought, maybe I’ll hold on to that money "just in case".

The boss gave me a Christmas bonus this year too- fifty bucks I didn’t have before.  Pretty cool, huh- 150 bucks to spend on …myself.


Yesterday morning and again this morning, the front brakes on my minivan have made horrible grinding noises.  My willing beast enabled me to complete my routes and drop my papers, so today I will "reward" it (and myself, don’t cha know?) and go get a brake job done on it.

Cuz, I like have spare cash and it needs to be done.


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December 27, 2005

Well, I cannot say a brake job is a very good present, but I understand how that stuff always needs to be taken care of first. Maybe then next Christmas, you will get another bonus you can spend on yourself! Sorry to hear you are having car troubles…I can relate.

December 27, 2005

I am sure your van will be grateful! Its always nice to get a little wad of cash like that every now and then, isn’t it? Especially for us low income types. $150 may not seem like a lot to some folks, but to others its a hefty and delightful sum! đŸ˜€

December 27, 2005

If you just do the front brakes, you might have enough left over for a tank of gasoline.

It’s always something….at least we have wheels!

December 27, 2005

I suppose it’s weird but I totally buy into the concept of a vehicle as a friend. I usually name my cars…the Echo is known in my circle as “Cupcake”. So…spending $150 to maintain a great relationship is a fine thing to do…not that you need my approval.

Oh, and how is the quit going? Sending good vibes your way.

RYN: Hmmm, ya know, i think i recall that photos. And i think one of my boobs was completely bare. *grins* Innocent? I think not. ;p~

Bad Brakes eh. Since your an old navy man, couldn’t you just rig up some kind of anchor to throw out when you wanted to stop?

December 27, 2005

well… guess you gotta do what you gotta do. At least you’ve got the cash to get it done before you run into a telephone pole or something cause you can’t stop. đŸ˜‰

well, thank goodness you had the cash to do that…maybe not what you wanted to do, but it is its own reward 100 times over. ~the feline~

RYN: No i have not deleted that photo. It’s in with my Birthday photos from this year. No worries on not getting to all my entries. Some days i was posting a LOT.Blessings and Love,

December 27, 2005

yeah, it sucks having to spend “fun” money on necessary things…but better to have it fixed when you can!

oh crap. i’m reading your entries backwards. i see the boss gave you a little bonus already. at least you were able to get some presents for yourself. đŸ™‚

ugh! i misread your first paragraphs. sorry again. i need to go to bed.

December 29, 2005

Funny how things happen huh??