Nearly Oct w/pics


I’m still not pregnant, which sucks. In fact, had we not had a miscarriage, the official due date would be tomorrow. Isn’t that fun?! I’m doing alright though, in fact I’m good. I seem to be finding that same sense of calm I had after the first six months or so of trying. We’re keeping ourselves really busy and I’m happy.
Don’t get me wrong, I want to be pregnant and have a baby SO SO SO badly. I had my annual woman’s exam earlier this month and my OBGYN told me to just keep trying until November and then we would run some tests and get the ball rolling. So we try and we wait and in the meantime we have fun.
Our anniversary was nice. We had dinner at the Chicago Chop House. It was good, but I don’t really need to go back there. Kath’s wedding in Denver was really nice. They were very generous and it was fun being a bridesmaid. We also got to see my family for about 24 hours. My poor mom slipped and broke her elbow right before we got there.

Carlos and Becky had their baby. He is about as precious as it gets.

I took the Megabus to Indianapolis last weekend to visit Anna and Kerry. Kerry flew in from Denver and it was Anna’s daughter Lucy’s first birthday. It was good to see them and really good to see my godson Cooper. He is so sweet.

Tomorrow night we’re seeing a comedian P likes, Bill Burr, at the Chicago theater. Jason and Sonia were supposed to go with us, but he called P on Wednesday and said Sonia is asking him for a divorce. She is the 23 year old he married two years ago at 34. I have tried to be friends with her, but being around her is just painful. I feel like part of it is the age, but she just seems pretty boring and rude.
Next weekend is my 32nd birthday and we’re going to Book of Mormon. I’m excited to finally see that. The weekend after that we are doing a progressive dinner with our neighbors. Then the weekend after that we’re going to Nashville! I’m so excited, I’ve never been. We’re going with the same group of P’s friends we went to Italy with two years ago. It should be really fun. I had planned to go to Dollywood, but didn’t realize how far away it is from Nashville. Another time. Then the last weekend in October is Carlos and Becky’s big annual Halloween party. And in November P and I are going to Vegas for four days. So see? We are keeping busy and having fun. I’m trying to make this boob couple’s costume.

I’ve also been decorating a lot. It’s been pretty fun. I think I’ve sort of proven myself to P now style wise and he is a lot more willing to let me do what I want. I should share some house pictures.
I made an account over at Prosebox using the same name. But I will remain here until here is gone. I’m glad there seems to be an agreed place to go if needed though.


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September 27, 2013

You are gorgeous!!

September 28, 2013

You look great! Busy, busy! Can’t wait to see the two of you dressed up as boobs. LOL!

September 29, 2013

You look like a movie star in that gown! Nice to see your update!

September 30, 2013

HAHA that boob costume is hilarrrrr xx,

October 4, 2013

Beautiful pictures. The giant bra costume looks like a lot of fun. I foresee a lot of people coming up and honking your “boobs”.

October 14, 2013

Love it. Beautiful and funny pics!