Broken wing…

Falling down is not my cup of tea…I pride myself as being fairly agile and athletic….welll…all alone here in SC and what do I do?  Fall off the treadmill and go flying into the wall!….yikes stupidity reigns!!  I even had the emergency stop clipped to my jammies.  I tried to "zone out" like Stanley does when he walks and I shut my eyes and apparently my foot weaved to the right and the rest is a painful memory.   The emergency clip flew off my clothes not off the treadmill and I went flying…I landed on my left side after I had tumbled around a bit on the whirling treadmill.  It was like slow motion….my head went down and I got a face peel and my head bobbed up and back down and I got a chin peel…my knees were skinned and I landed hard on the floor on my left arm….it is still very painful…I feel embarrassed  and stupid.

That’s where I’ve been, unable to type and nursing my wounds and my ego!   Going to work was embarrassing…I was thinking that they probably think I am an ole drunk…falling down at home after a few stiff ones!! Let me tell you I laid on the floor after it happened and cried like a baby…!! That was a very scary accident and I am so fortunate to not have been hurt even worse!  Mostly my pride I think…that’s hurt….and my poor left arm….still very painful and stiff.  

Other then that…life goes on….Stanley has been here since 2/13…the 2 big Hospices here in Colombia apparently have a freeze on hiring! Can you believe that?  More later about our living situation…my arm is killing me…and thanks to my friends who sent notes…I am greatful for you all.

Hugs, Ollie

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February 28, 2009

Miss Ollie, what a scary accident! You had every right to sit there and cry….it could have been so much worse, and it was bad enough as it was. I pray for healing on your arm…are you sure it is not fractured? Prayers for Stanley and his situation also. Thanks for letting us know about you. Love, Catherine

Oh yes, for some reason closing your eyes on a treadmill is dangerous. I have to be careful about that cuz I can get into the music and forget where I am. So sorry you fell. Hope you get back on it after you heal.

February 28, 2009

That was unfortunate, sweet Ollie. I am sending prayers that you feel better fast. Much love,

February 28, 2009

Oh Ollie, I hope you will feel better very soon. Take good care, love,

February 28, 2009

dear ollie!… I felt something was wrong since you hadn’t checked in.. I do wish you a fast recovery… I’m glad Stanley is there even if there is a hiring freeze… you two need each other!!!….. love and hugs…… 🙂

March 1, 2009

I am so sorry! Take my advice, just stay off the treadmill. Just get fat and unhealthy, like me. LOL. I put treadmills in the same category as escalators and elevators. I do not use as they scare me to death. RYN: Can’t figure out how to do the pictures. So be patient.

March 1, 2009

Oh, Ollie–I’m so sorry to read this–falling like that is no joke! Take care and know I am thinking of you.

March 1, 2009

thanks goodness you received no broken bones at least….but it all does sound very painful. Take care to heal in your own time. love and hugs P

March 1, 2009

Yikes – what a fiasco! I look forward to hearing the rest of the story.

March 18, 2009

Missing you–are you better?

March 26, 2009

Missing you; are you better?

April 19, 2009

Really getting concerned as it has been so long since we have heard from you.