2005 Blogathon XXXII some facts about me

Arrrgh, my msn is stuffing up again so soon and my bros banging on front door ><" brb. GAH he just tried borrowing $4 off me ><" SO pathectic Ben, very dissapointed. And no, I don’t believe ur taking ur meds. *swears*


Calm down Toni :/ *puts on music to block out idiotic sounds*

My Kryptonite: cotton balls *shudders* and /or peas…icky
Current Emotion: Sad
My Hero: I do believe I said Hayao Miyazaki in a prev. entry

Talking To: Serge, Azam & Lupco…I think Nhi wondered off somewhere lol…
I wish: That I could go back to mid-April last year :/
Satisfied?: Lol, never -_-
Fav song atm: Crossfade: I don’t know why
Regrets? Too many 🙂
Acomplishments: Well I finished High School… lol, plus made it this far thru Blogathon, g0 me. w00t.
New Email?: Nope coz computer hates me atm 🙁

Well better post and then must…restart…again *sigh* Feeling kinda seasick. -_-

2:30pm ~ToNi~
==========BLOGATHON 2005==========


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congrats on the accomplishments. maybe i can get you a pressie? but not cotton balls, i see. not a problem. how do you people never like peas? sigh. why go back?