It’s Never Too Late…

HELLO everyone in Open Diary land. It has been so long since I have posted here. It just seems that whenever I go to come on this site, I get side tracked. I know my New Years resolution was to write more, well I’ve slacked on that one.

So much has gone on since I last wrote. I graduated from college with my Associates Degree in Marketing. I barely pulled it off, but I was able to walk across that stage and get my degree. I was/am so proud of myself. I got a new job at a window company. I’m the office manager. It’s not necessarily what I went to school for, but it’s not a gas station. (Yes I was working at a gas station while I was in school. I got promoted to Assistant Manager, it just got to the point I wanted something bigger and better. So I walked.)

Pat and I are doing well. We have our moments when I drive him nuts, but all in all we are good. We are looking into moving out of our townhouse to an actual house. We are in contact with a Realtor and seeing my credit isn’t super shiny, he is going to ask the own if he’d do a rent to own until I get my credit points up a little bit more so I could hold a mortgage in my name. I am hoping and crossing everything I can that we get the ok to do so.

Kids are great. Owen and Riley graduated from Kindergarten this year. My babies are going to be in 1st grade in September. AND, if you can believe it, they turn 6 on the 17th of June. They are doing well. Running around and enjoying the summer.

I gave up my gastric bypass dream. Why you may ask…the nutritionist made me feel worthless. It didn’t matter what I did it was always wrong and came to the conclusion that she was never going to pass me through. I know I should have asked for a different nutritionist, but I just wanted nothing to do with the place, the people, or even the building.

Going to share some pictures with you guys. (Then I must step away for now.)

Owen this summer. I buzzed his hair off.

The degree

Riley Jane

My graduates.

My graduation day

Ok, I think that’ll be all for now. Until next time…

♥ Amanda


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July 6, 2013

Good to see an update! I can’t believe the kids are so big! 🙂