To everyone who answered my question…

Thanks everyone for answering my question. I don’t say my kids have it, I was just curious. And about the doctors push all the meds. I know that. They tried pulling that stuff with my mom about my brother and she put an end to that quick as shit. But thank you for mentioning it.

Thanks everyone that wished me a happy birthday. It was a mellow day. Yesterday I went down to my dad’s and had a few drinky-drinkies….:)

Oh, the kids went to the doctor for there 15 month well child check. Everything is good. Dealing Owen being a biter and just whining excessively. Riley is so chill with everything. Very independent. We had 2 shots which made Friday a LOOOOOONG day. They had there forth DTaP and the chickenpox one. Anyways…the things you all want to know…weight and height [and results from the lead test.]

Weight: 23lbs.
Height: 31 inches
Lead Test: 1 [which is normal. The doctor said anyone from 0-9 is normal and that 10 and above we have a problem. He also said that he rarely sees anyone with a result of 0 seeing lead is every where.]

Weight: 26lbs. 8oz.
Height: 32.5 inches
Lead Test: 1

We did great. We go back for our year and a half well child check December 23. They also go back on October 24 for there flu shot.

Another question…Owen is 15 months and we a little bit of a biting problem. Any advice?

Well I’m going to end it here and go home. Until I log on again…

♥ Amanda

daisypath next aniversary ticker

lilypie 2nd birthday ticker

.The Angel.

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September 28, 2008

They’re getting so big! Hailie only weighs 20 pounds now, lol. Good luck with the whole biting thing. =P

September 28, 2008

my son is 16 months and bites. His occupational therapist told me that it is a sensory issue and to buy him a vibrating star teether and everytime he goes to bite to put the teether in his mouth to redirect his behavior and he is getting better with it. i hope it helps!

September 28, 2008

Say ouch you hurt mommy— say it sturn and somewhat a lil louder than a normal voice tone.

September 28, 2008

lindsay started biting too around 15 months. luckily she grew out of it without too much trouble. I’d just let him know that that hurts mommy and makes mommy sad.

aww! they are getting so big1