
 Ugh, Welbutrin, I love you but do you have to keep me awake!?

I’m feeling a little lost tonight.  A little pensive, a little moody.

I miss my husband.  He’s passed out in his easy chair that sits right next to mine, and yet I miss him.  It’s a terrible aching in my throat, a terrible squeezing around my heart.

Ever carried the weight of another?  For how long? – Blue October, "Overweight"

Something to keep in mind for the future, self: you get out of it what you put into it.

Even when it seems like it’s not being reciprocated.



On a random note: I need a remote shutter release for my camera.

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January 25, 2013

Wow, I am glad to know that Wellbutrin keeps others awake. I thought it was just me. Hope you get some sleep soon.

January 26, 2013

Thanks so much for your note. 🙂 You’re welcome to note like that anytime.