Strike that, reverse it!

Highlights in my life since my last entry (not in anything resembling chronological order):

~ 4 months after finding that place in that little town 20 minutes outside of the bigger town we were living in, we agreed with the landlords that we were in over our heads financially and so we have moved back to the bigger town.  We’ve been back a week.  It is a smaller place but it’s also significantly LESS RENT so I am looking into securing us some internet soon.  S-O-O-N.

~ I auditioned for, and landed multiple minor ensemble parts in, a local production of Spamalot.  That is going swimmingly.  My inner musical theater nerd is FINALLY being fed.

~ my daughter got old enough to participate in our church’s nursery program, which means that on Sundays, after the main meeting, I take her to the nursery class where she gets to associate with other kids near her age and have a snack and play with fun toys that are different from the ones we have at home and basically not beat me to death from boredom through the other two church meetings.  Honestly, she’s done fine with it.  I think I’m the one that has separation anxiety.

~ my husband and I "celebrated" our 4th wedding anniversary.  We had briefly discussed planning something a little more elaborate for another weekend when we had more money to do so, so I guess he thought that let him off the hook for actually acknowledging that it was a special day and he ended up spending like almost 4 hours of the evening/night time with another woman & some other friends, riding horses.  Needless to say, I felt awesome. (That sounds almost worse than it was, but I’m too tired to go into any more detail than that.)

So…there you have it.

Guten nacht.

p.s. if that’s grammatically incorrect or badly spelled German, it’s because I don’t really speak German.

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June 17, 2012
June 20, 2012

Thanks for the notes! They’ve helped. :c) I’ve been prescribed Effexor, so we’ll see how it helps.