Painting the sky at sunset


Sunsets I photographed during the past week


I was looking at the weather data to find the time of today’s sunset, although  there will be no majestic display this evening.  It’s leaden gray, cold and damp out.  A classic winter day.

So I started to ponder sunsets and what a miracle they are and how inconceivable it is  that they could be taken for granted.  Maybe I’m wrong.  Maybe it’s THE one spectacle in Nature and God’s world that everyone notices when they have a chance to witness one.

There’s nothing so awe-inspiring as to see the sun slowly lowering in the sky, gradually lighting up clouds and sky in multiple shaders of yellow, blue, purple, orange and red.   Then just as gradually the colors start to fade and darkness descends where just moments before a mind-blowing light show appeared.

I never forgot the time 40 years ago when in the middle  of the worst episode of depression I ever had, I struggled to a fast food place to get something to eat.  Turning around while in line I noticed a spectacular sunset lighting up the sky in back of the parking lot.  The person in front of me saw it too and remarked, “How can anyone doubt the existence of God when you see something g like that?”   In my depressed state those words penetrated to my very marrow.

I am blessed to have three near-perfect locations for viewing sunsets within five minutes of my house.  Each one I witness is like a new miracle.


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February 11, 2021

I love sunrises and sunsets. So beautiful!

February 12, 2021

@startingover_1   Wonderment and awe — words can’t begin to describe them.

February 12, 2021

Just being outside can clear my mind.  My favorite thing to see are stars.  Most of the time, it’s too cloudy where I live, so when I can see a clear night sky with all the stars, I know there is a God.  Your photographs are lovely.

February 12, 2021

@wrecktangle Thank you!  A sky full of stars at night (if you are anywhere but in cities) inspires the highest level of awe at God’s creation.  To feel the immensity of the universe, and to realize we are part of it all, is mind-boggling.