My introduction.

Hello! I have been an avid diarist on LiveJournal since 1999,however, that place is pretty dead. (RIP) 🖤 I thought, since I’m a newbie here, I’d intro myself (plus I adore making lists), and if you want to add me or read my stuff, feel free, loves!


  1. I’m biologically 42 look 28, feel physically 90 act 15.
  2. I am engaged to a sweet amazing guy.
  3. I’m a poet /novelist, interviewer
  4. I have rare chronic illnesses
  5. I fight anxiety, PTSD, and depression daily.
  6. I’m obsessed with music 🎶
  7. I love indie and horror movies, but also love making fun of bad Bmovies
  8. I’m very eccentric
  9. I love audiobooks and podcasts
  10. My favorite video game is all of the Borderlands games
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November 27, 2019

Welcome to OD

November 27, 2019

@heffay thank you!! ♥️ ♥️

November 27, 2019

welcome, I just came here too. It has been so long since i blogged, i dont even think the site i used is still around LOL

November 27, 2019

@betsylynne which site did you used to use? ♥️ And welcome as, well! Feel free to add me! ♥️

November 27, 2019

@pastelblack It was called mindsay. Now it is a corporate blog and no longer a personal one! And I think I will! 🙂

November 27, 2019

@betsylynne yeah it sucks that everything is over on social media now. You can’t share real personal thoughts with out everyone in the world knowing your business. Not anon enough

November 27, 2019

@pastelblack I dont know about you, but my family and friends are too judgmental. Say you want to lose weight, but you eat a cookie they give you so much shit

November 27, 2019

@betsylynne unfortunately I don’t have family or friends I see, but I sure hot shit from my dad when he was alive. It was really bad. My two best friends also have unhealthy relationships with food, and my fiancé is very supportive. But I know the pain of people being evil about it. *hugs*

November 27, 2019

@pastelblack <3 Thank you! This is what i missed about blogging, the connections you make!

November 27, 2019

@betsylynne me, too. It’s soooo important!! Did you ever use LiveJournal? It was, soooo amazing and important

November 28, 2019

Hello and welcome! It’s great to have you here, always happy to have an eccentric poet!