A Dream

I don’t usually remember dreams never mind record them, but I had one this morning I want to record.

I was walking around a store which was in a house. Actually, I know which store sparked this. There was a store in the town where I lived for 30 years that was in an old house and it specialized in hand-made earrings and bracelets. Anyway, the store in my dream was like this, except the floor was grass, new-mown grass that smelled wonderful. There was a woman sitting on the floor and I wasn’t sure if she was a worker there or a shopper. The part she was sitting on had no display. Right next to it was a grassy display area where clothing and jewellery were displayed and this had circular areas which revolved. I sat down on the grass and started to look at the display. It was a woman’s blouse liberally decorated with necklaces and other jewellery. Then the woman came over and told me she was going to put up a new display where she was sitting, and would I mind getting some of the necklaces and handing them to her.

So, I started getting the ones she asked for. This caused me to look at the top more closely and I immediately knew I HAD to have it. It was made of several layers of translucent material all draped beautifully and decorated with ribbons. I am not sure of the colors, they seemed to change as I was moving it around. I started looking for the price tag and there were several with different prices on them but they were all between two and three hundred dollars. I NEVER buy clothes that cost this much but I knew I HAD to have it. I was thinking. "What on earth will I wear it with?" and "Oh, dear, it is not washable. It will have to go to the dry cleaners." But I just knew it would change my life, that it made me so happy just to look at it….And with that feeling, the feeling that my life was going to be changed in a positive manner, I woke up.

Now, I believe that the feelings I have during the few dreams that I do remember are important. Mostly my remembered dreams are anxiety dreams along the lines of teaching and being unprepared for the class. And this feeling is easily linked to whatever is happening or going to happen in my life that is giving me anxious feelings. {I had a lot of these before I limped off to Italy for six weeks!} I have never had a dream that I remembered where the waking feeling was happy anticipation. It is not coming from something in my life that I know about because I am not having that feeling about Christmas. Actually, for some reason I have never tried to pin down, Christmas always leaves me a little sad.

So where is this feeling of happy and joyfully anticipated change coming from?


"Step by step. I can’t think of any other way of accomplishing anything."

Michael Jordan

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Huh, that’s interesting. Maybe Fred has bought you a top like that. Just kidding! L I am no good at ananlyzing dreams so I have nothing for ya on this one. Hugs, M

December 19, 2007

It is a good dream. Perhaps a new burst of creativity and fun? In any case, I wouldn’t worry about trying to analyse it, but instead, just enjoy the feelings that it inspired.

What an unusual dream. You are creative even in your sleep.

December 19, 2007

I’m no dream analyzer either. I love having dreams like that though! I usually try to go back to sleep, so I can stay in that happy place!

December 19, 2007

Maybe it’s about something new in your life that CAN bring you great happiness if you accept it and pay the price to get it. Not necessarily something physical, something different, but it will put you out of your comfort zone and you’re not sure you want to go there.

December 19, 2007

oh, what a lovely dream that was! I don’t know where the happy changes are going to come from, but I’m sure they will come to you! Maybe you will be setting off on some new adventure sometime this year that you’ve not even thought of yet! How exciting! :o) !! hugs, Weesprite

December 19, 2007

Some of my worse dreams are either taking classes and coming to the end of the semester and realizing that I’ve never gone to one of my classes, or teaching and not being able to remember what my lesson plan was. Ughhh.

Did you not just restart physical therapy? Perhaps that’s the thing that will give you new joy and freedom – being able to move freely and feel well about it.

December 19, 2007

P, didn’t you just mention a day or two ago about saving again for another trip to Italy? Maybe they go together. Might have to do with your last trip there, was it more changing than you have told us? Were you walking better there and the struggles here and the return there related in mind only? That’s all the little Sigmund has for you today. have fun…dan

I think it was your soul telling you that exciting times are ahead! What fun to think about what the future may have in store for you!!! =) RYN: Love frozen grapes. I like to put them in drinks in the summertime, too, because they act like little ice cubes but don’t water down my drink! =)

December 20, 2007

ryn: Me too! We really really really love the plates. I’m just going to take two of the salad plates out of the box they sent, and then put the broken ones in and send it back rather than repacking what we have. They’re really lovely plates. Now we need a full set of black silverware and one more set of plates to make a full set for next turkey day 🙂

December 21, 2007

That sounds like an interesting/good dream to me too! Wonder what lies ahead for you? Oh, btw…you have been tagged! (I thought your answers would be intersting, but realize now that I used the wrong diary name…will have to go back and edit that!) {{{Hugs}}}

December 21, 2007

ryn: Yes I do alphabetize. We have too many not to!

December 23, 2007

Hey who cares? Just enjoy it when it comes – what a lovely dream to have!