A Good Day’s Work

At this point I am thinking I will cancel my massage on Sunday. We have had a LOT of snow today and more is forecast  for tonight, tomorrow and Sunday. I will call Beth tomorrow and cancel. Fred said she will probably call me and cancel!

Anyway, I have done quite a lot today. Three loads of laundry washed, dried and put away. The bed was stripped and remade with clean sheets. I have also watched almost the whole Of Oz Season Six—the first disk. A couple of years ago, I became fascinated by the first five seasons. I went back and saw that Netflix  had the last season and signed up again.

Tomorrow I will make gingerbread!


"There is only one success – to be able to spend your life in your own way."

Christopher Darlington Morley (1890-1957)


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December 19, 2008

We got pounded today, too. I’m glad to have the water, but I sure wish it was WATER somtimes because then I wouldn’t have to shovel it.

I want to cocoon forever in cold weather.

Wow, good for you!

December 19, 2008

Mmm I just love gingerbread…

December 19, 2008

I have decided that everyone’s snow is my fault because I have spent far too much time wailing about how much I want snow! (Of course, it’s only snowed everywhere else….not here!….but I’m still taking credit!) I am never going to wish for snow again. We are wondering if we’ll be able to make the trip to Detroit next week, too! Darn! Stay cozy and warm! hugs, Weesprite

Ahhh…gingerbread 🙂

December 20, 2008

9 inches and then 2 more storms by Christmas. Little ones, or so the weatherman says. But then Woodsprite is coming this way and she kinda brings Winter Snow with her!!! Enjoy the Season and keep up the great work. Be well and have fun…dan

December 20, 2008

RYN: Well no its not all my fault but when I think back to that night I really didn’t need to phone the police and when they took my statement I was so angry I did make it sound ten times worse than what it was. Now no one will believe how it really happened cos they think Im just protecting him. I just don’t want him unfairly judged which is whats happening cos of me being angry

December 22, 2008

TY, I’m sure I’ll feel more comfortable when I figure out how to do all the cool stuff to my diary! Merry Christmas!

December 23, 2008

RYN: Yes, it seems you only want snow when you don’t get any. lol If you get it all the time, it gets to be a pain. I just miss seeing the trees all covered in snow! If we could have snow without all of the shovelling and ice, I’d be happy!