
It has taken me almost half a year to realize that I haven’t written {or thought} about my goals for this year!

I find it helpful to do as the goal-setting  pundits proclaim, which is to  write my goals and visit them regularly to see where I am and to fine-tune them. So, here is first-draft goal statement.

  1. In 2008, possibly in the spring or in the fall, I want to make a road trip from Vermont –driving  first to North Carolina to visit my younger son and then on to Mississippi to visit my older son. My thinking on this is to concentrate on seeing my family on the way down, which means no side trips and then visiting anything I find interesting on my leisurely way back to Vermont.
  2. In 2008, possibly in the spring or in the fall, I also want to fly to England to visit my brother-in-law.
  3. This year, I want to go back to walking at least 30 minutes a day. This, of course, is the reason I am having the surgery in 13 days. As part of my complete recovery, I will be walking although, of course, not 30 minutes a day to start with.
  4. Right now, I weigh 180 pounds. I want to weigh 160-165 pounds which means I need to lose 20 pounds. If I break this into 5 pound mini-goals, I know I can do this by the end of the year by going back to portion control, writing down calories AND walking . {It has just occurred to me that it is going to be difficult to write down calories during the 6 weeks I will be in Italy, but to balance out the "amazing" Italian food {I quote my sister here}, I will be walking a lot!}
  5. A long-distance goal for 2011 is to be reasonably fluent in Italian. Right now, I define this as being able to understand and take part  in an everyday-type conversation in Italian. I have several ideas to help me with this which I will elaborate on in another entry.

Ok, this is just a start. This doesn’t mean I will add more goals to the list. It just means I need to think out my steps I will reach these goals.

QUOTATION: If you have the courage to begin, you have the courage to succeed.

— David Viscott

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June 6, 2007

>>but in italy you can eat a lot of gorgeous vegetables dressed with olive oil… yum! just do not exagerate with the gelato 😉

June 6, 2007

I hope you manage to meet all your goals. Maybe I will see you if you come to England!

June 6, 2007

Great goals! Took me a long time to figure out that “anything can be accomplished one small step by one small step.” Gee, wonder where I got THAT from??? *wink*

June 6, 2007

I think you are going to be more fluent than you realize after you have been living in Italy for even a short while…out of necessity.

June 6, 2007

ooh, the road trip you are planning for next year sounds wonderful! And I’m sure you will make your weight-loss goal also….as well as becoming fluent in Italian, if you continue to want to! hugs, Weesprite

Great goals! Hmmm, you will be headed this way on your road trip. Maybe we could meet you somewhenre and have lunch. It would be great to meet you in person. Hugs, M

June 6, 2007

Great goals!

June 6, 2007

What good goals. My ex-husband lost weight every time he went to Venice because of so much walking.

June 6, 2007

Good goals. I can’t believe you’re looking into 2008 already.

June 6, 2007

ryn: in general I prefere fruit flavors, as traditional strawberry or lemon, a special favorite (difficult to find) is wild strawberry (‘fragolina di bosco’). On the creamy side, I love marron glace’ (candied chestnut). In general; find a ‘gelateria’ where locals go (you may aske the teacher) and every gelato falvor will taste deliciously 🙂

June 6, 2007

I, too, hope you meet your goals.

Learn some southern I-talian if you will be visiting Carolina and Mississippi. They like there words long and slow down there. A goal written down is a goal well worth achieving. have fun…dan

June 6, 2007

I erally need to get my goals all straight too. I did the 101 things to do in 1001 days to get me started, but still.

June 6, 2007

Nice goals. I think I’d probably put off the weight loss goal until after the Italy trip – to enjoy things fully without having to worry – but that, of course, is up to you.

the name of the diary is sayyadina