Life as Usual

  • Inspired by an ODer, I let the bread machine make dough this morning. I then patted it out and filled the inside with cheese. I rolled it up and put it in the oven for a while. Verdict? Well, it was OK. Some of the cheese escaped and dripped down to the bottom of the oven. When it was cut, the cheese was a bit blah. It really needs some kind of meat, I think. The OD I got inspired by used sausage and cheese… I will try again.
  • Fred and I did a BIG grocery shopping trip today. A big shopping trip is defined by one where I go too! Fred uses a basket and tools around with his walker. I use a cart and limp around getting stuff. What I especially needed to get was some dish washing detergent and some bread flour. I got those and a slotted spatula and some Seville orange marmalade. I emptied Fred’s basket twice into my cart. We spent a smidgen under $100.
  • I am loving my Kindle 2 and reading, reading, reading. At the moment, it has no cover which feels odd. I have got an Oberon Designs cover ordered but it won’t be here until some time in March. And, yes, it is the same design as the K1 cover.

"… A human activity having for its purpose the transmission of the highest and best feelings to which men have risen." (on the purpose of art).

 Leo Tolstoy 

"Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going."

Jim Rohn

"Enjoyment is not a goal; it is a feeling that accompanies important ongoing activity."

Paul Goodman


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February 26, 2009

I saw a new Kindle today on the subway! they really DO look like giant iPods he he

February 26, 2009

That’s a gorgeous cover. I was thinking about the fairy one for myself. Still waiting on mine to show up though 🙂 ♥

and don’t forget the garlic and pepper 🙂

Sausage and cheese bread is VERY good!!!! Mmmmm! Hugs,M

February 26, 2009

Oh that bread sounds yummy that your OD friend let you know about. I may have to use my bread machine again!

February 26, 2009

Shopping is tiring, yes?

February 26, 2009

That bread sounds quite tasty!

that is so cool! leather-bound covers for kindles! I’ve always wanted a bread machine because I love freshly baked bread, but it’s very time consuming to make.

is the k2 very different from the k1

February 26, 2009

It always interests me how much you loathe food-shopping and how much I love it! :o) !! oooh….maybe some fresh garlic in the cheese bread would’ve helped, too! hugs, Nicky

February 27, 2009

What a lovely cover! That looks like a nice site you got it from… I might have to get some of their hairclips. 🙂 (huggles)

February 27, 2009

I saw a green giant IPod thingy the other day. I wonder if it was a Kindle?

February 27, 2009

I look forward to the day when we spend less than $800 a month on food and other stuff….

Briana is heading to England in a couple of months and although I’m nervous about her going without me, I’m excited for her at the same time. I was hoping you could tell me something about the town where she’ll be staying. It’s called Bedford. Do you know it? Thanks 🙂

February 28, 2009

I’ve been wanting to buy a bread maker for some time. I have been reading about various models on the Internet and I can’t seem to find one that is widely positively reviewed. Can you recommend a brand that you like? Also, good to hear positive feedback on the Kindle. If I ever feel like I can afford one I will get it. For now I’m still buying $3 paperbacks at the used bookstore.