Meet My Scars!

 Moving from head to toes, here is a list of my scars…

  • Under my right eyebrow is a scar from when I came off my Vespa scooter when I was in my 20’s. I was just popping out to mail a letter down the road and didn’t have my helmet on. I slowed down for a stop light that was just changing and a huge lorry whooshed past me to get through the light and basically tipped me over! My glasses were broken and glass cut my head. The Indian doctor who sewed me up took a long time doing it with lots of stitches. I had a horrible black eye for a long time afterwards but the scar is, as he promised, almost invisible.
  • About six inches down from my left armpit and moving towards the front of my body is the scar I got in 1998 when my left kidney was removed. I went to the emergency room with severe back pain which turned out to be a herniated disk. While they were trying to find the reason for the pain, cancer was discovered in my left kidney. Sixteen days later, I checked out of the hospital having had lithotripsy to get rid of three kidney stones in my right kidney and the total removal of the left kidney. Oh, and cortisone shots into my spine which cleared up the back pains from the herniated disk.
  • Right down my center, and taking a little jog around my navel is the scar from endometrial cancer diagnosed in 2000. This cancer required not only surgery {removal of uterus and ovaries} but radiation since the cancer had moved "microscopically" into my lymph nodes in the groin.
  • Moving to the right is the small but deep scar from when I had appendicitis and peritonitis when I was about 12. In the crook of of my right arm is a tiny scar still there from the intravenous tubes I also had at that time.
  • The final scar is on my left hip where I had a total hip replacement a year and three months ago. Looking at an x-ray of that hip is very interesting. And, yes, I do set off buzzers when I go through some of the metal detectors at airports!


"There is only one success – to be able to spend your life in your own way."

Christopher Darlington Morley (1890-1957)


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I love this! What a great idea.

September 25, 2008

Humorous entry! I may try one…

This is original. You may have started a new trend in surveys.

September 25, 2008

Hmmm…I wonder if I can remember where all of my scars are? LOL

Oh boy…. I hate to think of doing an inventory of my scars. And I hope to add that hip replacement scar too. How bad is it? I’ll have to look for pictures on line.

September 25, 2008

I’m surprised you didn’t mention any childhood scars, like chicken pox or bicycle wrecks! Good memory!

September 25, 2008

I like this entry. Wherever did you get the idea for this? Interesting.

September 25, 2008

Scars do indeed tell a story!!!

September 25, 2008

Our scars do tell stories about us. Yours are most interesting.

September 25, 2008

Unusual entry – I like it!

Hmmm, now you have me thinking about all of my scars! LOL Neat entry! Hugs, M

September 26, 2008

Gosh!! I am glad that huge lorry didn’t hit you!!!! :oO !! That is amazing….the discovery of the kidney cancer when they were operating to take care of something else. And I never would’ve guessed a scar from kidney surgery would be where yours is located…. must mean I don’t know much about our inner layout! This is an interesting entry! :o) !! hugs, Weesprite

September 26, 2008

The story of your life in scar form. Wow. I’m growing a little army of scars myself, but nothing that impressive. I have made a little pact with myself now never to allow a man with a scalpel near me again – but that is largely out of my hands. If I have to have surgery for something life-threatening, I don’t really have a choice, do i?

September 26, 2008


September 26, 2008

I have one over my eyebrow from a similar accident only I wasn’t cool enough to be on a Vespa at the time! 🙂 Be well,

Ouch, ouch and ouch again! 🙂

Wow. I so admire you for doing this. I may well have to follow suit.

September 26, 2008

Very interesting. I know I can’t do that as I have waaaay too many scars to list. Maybe I should just do it for major scars… Very interesting though.

September 26, 2008

I have a host of little scars on my hands from grease burns, kitchen accents, and exacto-knives (oh the perils of being a graphic designer in the pre-electronic age!). Like you, I have a big gash down my middle from breast-bone on down from the cancer ten years ago — my navel vanished. I have some marks on my face and chin from when I fell in the parking lot. And some more that are nearly invisible from my motorcycle accident. I guess what is written on my skin does tell the story of our lives.

September 26, 2008

May all your scars be physical, dear lady, since even here you triumph.

September 26, 2008

Good idea for an entry.

! Well, scars mean that you have lived.

September 27, 2008

Did they give you a little card to show at the airport? I’ve got one. Yeah, I’ve got a weapon hidden in my left knee…

September 28, 2008

*random* I love this entry makes me think of my scars…sounds so personal & tells such a story of what you have been through…