Saturday Evening

Whew! The on-line bank is back. I hate it when I can’t access my money, or, in this case, transfer my share from my personal account to the partner account. Actually, the site was there all the time but with a discreet little notice that some parts of it would be down “for maintenance.” And, of course, it was the part *I* wanted to use.

Fred is a little better today in that he is moving around and he actually fixed himself a sandwich this evening. I guess it was through necessity since I had gone for a nap after a late lunch and when he got hungry, I was still napping .{Two-and-a-half hours! I am going to be SO sorry tonight!} When I got up, he asked me to make him a pot of coffee but he announced with pride that he had fixed his own sandwich. I refrained from pointing out that he had left his sandwich makings all over the kitchen for me to clean up, and before you ask, no, normally, when he is not ill, he cleans up after himself very well. 

 He took a shower a few minutes ago and I inspected his scar as the visiting nurse asked me to do. There is one little place that developed what looked like a scab when the staple came out all by itself, and after his shower, it was bleeding a little. I am not worried enough to call anyone over it because it is a tiny little ooze and a band-aid will keep it clean until the scab forms again. He is now sitting in the living room channel-flipping and watching football. Even though I dislike football, I am pleased that he is actually watching it for short periods tonight. All signs of improvemt. He has come a long way, he reminded me, in the two weeks to this day that he checked himself out of intensive care againt medical advice.

Earlier today, Fred called the drug store to request a refill of his insulin and was told that his doctor had to re-authorize him again! This is because the state wants all diabetics {well, the ones that have prescriptions for their insulin, anyway} to change to another brand. We don’t know why as yet {but Fred is going to call the State Drug department on Monday} but I would be willing to bet it is money. Fred gets his insulin and his other drugs paid for through a program to which he contributes a monthly sum. I am not part of this program because the monthly amount is higher than I am paying for my nortriptylene which is the only prescription drug I take,  so financially it makes sense for me to pay for my own monthly prescription. Anyway, the bottom line of all this was that I went to get his insulin –which can be bought OTC!– and he paid a few cents short of $100 for two little bottles. The people at the pharmacy said that if his doctor back-dates her authorization to cover today, he will get a refund as long as he has the receipt and makes his claim within two weeks of the authorization.

I have a massage tomorrow! Woo-hoo!

Until later…

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I’m so glad Fred is up and channel-surfing… I was thinking about how you were talking about him zoning out and staring into space a lot, and I wondered if maybe that could be caused by a medication, such as a pain killer…

Glad to hear the news that Fred improved…too bad you were left cleaning up crumbs 🙂 Oooh, I envy you that massage. I could use a good back-of-the-legs rubbing right now.

January 1, 2005

Good that Fred is improving. Good that you have a massage tomorrow.